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Mr. Green Gaming


Server Admins
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Everything posted by tyfusjap

  1. These are just one of his daily outburst. We all know what kind of things he does so it should be obvious that i will ban him If you want more proof check every LOG of all the days of the past 6 months or so daily toxic behaviour
  2. So i guess you're trying to say that Mr.green needs to preserve a certain standard that is compelling to a large audience Not just the needs of specific people. So using that argument long nts maps (5+ minutes) would also in my opinion have to be removed due to the very few amount of people that enjoy them. My observations have shown that little people like them, same as with the harder dm maps.
  3. my vote never counts
  4. How do you define a "Mix Player?" i know what you mean but just wanna confirm what i think is correct. Cause Sandy is like both a race and mix player lol. And there's many mix players who also regularly play on the race server.
  5. Delete this gamemode
  6. Why am i an admin?
  7. Name: Jap Map: i have no fucking clue
  8. let the camping commence
  9. i want dl tournament
  11. this would be horribly unfair towards the already existing tops.
  12. I'll mark him when i see him lol
  13. tyfusjap

    mod/admin app

  14. tyfusjap

    I Wanna be Mod

    Hello, @Cena @Kreator about time to decline this guy, huh?
  15. You gotta remember these guys have been doing this for years. For us it seems impossible but for them its just another race day lol
  16. seriously who the hell finds these sc's some 200 IQ einstein motherfucker
  17. Alabama of The Netherlands.
  18. That feature already got added
  19. ultra marathon ultra marathon ultra marathon ultra marathon ultra marathon
  20. Final Score/hackerboard: Gromghost: 72 points Jap: 62 points Buddy: 49 points Goldberg: 42 points Kneelzy: 33 points Mekuar: 26 points ASS: 23 points LikeMike: 23 points Job: 19 points Selim: 18 points Dubby: 15 points RNQ: 13 points Witchy: 11 points HITMAN: 10 points laca: 7 points shortcat: 3 points Thank you for playing, nabs!
  21. Guys tonight i'll send you the server password in FORUM PM! so make sure to check it
  22. 1K i said it in the first post
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