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Everything posted by ProxyOfDeath
o-o.. yea well im going to enjoy the rest of my vacation BAAIIIII
Nice, I frigging love these guys all opposing the idea of deathrun only! Well, 5 minutes each map might be a bit short... You get to vote everytime the maptime reaches 3 minutes remaining. I think the time limit currently is.. 17 or 18 minutes.
''Minigames'' are supposed to be small in the first place. Besides, the maps you had before you changed to Deathrun only, were nice. AND, I honestly dont think it matter what YOU like, but what the people in your server like as I never actually see you in the server. Also, at Deathrun sometimes people go AFK at spawn and sometimes there is no Auto spawn kill so other will have to wait or if someone goes AFK in the middle of the map at a safe place people will have to wait. Dont go saying ''We got admins for that'' cause what if there is no admin at that time? People will start to dislike the server, the maps. They will anyway, cause people RTV the second they dont like one and if one person RTV's mostly 3-4 people at least RTV too. Either way, if you're still not planning to change it, then there is nothing else I can do. ^.^ In that case i will take my leave from the server. To bad though,I just reached the 5500 coins. T^T I wanted 10000. T^T
You just ruined alot of fun on CSS for a lot of people. Most for the people that are common or come really often there. (I think that's near the same, but ah well.) Sure, 3-4 Deathrun maps is nice, but as far as i noticed most of the time people want to RTV those maps and they get boring quickly. The minigames are frigging awesome, besides maybe 5 on the 20 liked the deathrun maps that were on the server because others sucked at it and cause it was boring like hell. You could've also deleted those 4 deathrun maps and put 4 new ones in. You changed it to Deathrun without a reason, I never saw someone on the server that would have loved it was a Deathrun server instead of Minigame. This just sucks man, so boring. I know from at least 3 people who got on it often they want Minigame back (me included). I know from 2 common people they want Minigame back too. You should have considered or asked people for their opinions. 4 of the 5 people that want Minigames back: ( I forgot the name of the 5th one. ) ProxyOfDeath(me ) Bastinator Secondwave NoBana Ofcourse you know Nobana, but.. no nevermind, I'm sure you atleast have seen Basti or Second. Well, that's all. It would be nice if you atleast considered changing it back to Minigames and wait for some people to respond here and their opinions. -End-
I agree... Buses from hell: is just... retarded.. you run away for 2 minutes avoiding buses whats easy, and the..you see the T dieing by laser..oh so fun... its more fun killing them ourselfes. Bear attack: What you do, killing endless coming bears , kids spamming and screaming to press bear attack (same for buses and smash cannonz) its boring, lame and yeah... Uhm.. im going to add another map which should be deleted honestly, I dont know the exact name, but its Smash_cannons: all you do is run away for 1 minute long.. if there are good T's ur all people die in that minute, if a bit worse .. they can still kill cause u have to run all the way up, with a total gay song...and then you...WOW..can kill them with an awp!!! after avoiding blocks for a min, and then even longer..to get up to the AWP, oh and the platform are buggy.. - End of message
First of all, that you say something, is not proof, and me saying something, it aint proof either. 2. You seem to be pretty blind too, because I clearly said: I beaconed me and Hundred2. Something in this sentence what you cant understand? 3. No, I didnt, no matter how many times you say that, it still wont be the truth. Yes, Hundred said that he was spamming traps, but did I do anything to him? No- I didnt. Then, we come in to this: "Hundred told me to ban him cause he was pressing the button". Yes, he told me to ban him, but did I ban him? No I didnt. As you can clearly see from the ban page, there was no bans made yesturday from the Fun server. 4. No, I did not. Will you stop making up lies, lies and more lies? If you are trying to do this serious, you should: A ) Stop making up lies B ) Stop cursing and saying that im talking BS. 7. Well, you want to set things clear, you aint done. Well if you think that way, why did you lie in the first place? And when everyone confirmed that only TC had powers, you still kept saying me a liar. First of all 4, I will keep saying you're talking bullshit, cause you are but don't worry, next time you're abusing your powers I'll be there taking A LOT of screenshots. Oho, and you're the liar, to bad I'm the only one here from yesterday. 2. Oh so you think because you're an admin your text is more trustable then mine? Then why would I go report you in the first place!? Get some brains for fuck sake. Everyone got friggin beaconed, that happened at the Buses_From_Hell. And if you're going to say that's a lie, you can go die. Okok, enough here, this brainless guy is annoying me big time, oh and the normal people here who are responding, stop being such damn asslickers to an admin. Bai bai.
I'm sorry sir, you need some brains! That beacon part was today, sorry sir!
Sigh, stop saying stuff if you were not there, I said i was walking around the map, why would I be in a corner, I was actually about to jump through a window when I got killed.
1. I beacon myself and the other guy, we were the last ones, and I just couldnt find him, so I beaconed both. 2. I only drugged myself and Hundred2. 3. Yes, but I didnt ban/kick/slay the guy who was spamming traps. 4. Yes and no. I slapped the other guy accidentally when the list kept changing. And no, I didnt cause them to die, because they were falling and the ramp part wasnt even there. 5. They could also gone through the traps without waiting 3 minutes. 6. No, I did a vote on simpsons, buses_from_hell came by RTV. 1. I was the other guy you beaconed, that was not the problem. You can't just beacon people, besides you were at the advantage of being on the roof, were you afraid to lose? 2. Oh man oh man, you seem to be a little blind. It clearly says 3-4 people AND it clearly says i was one of the drugged persons. You did not drug Hundred and you did not drug yourself. When those guys got on top with luck you were saying "Thanks to me you made it " 3. Haha, yes you did. You either slayed or banned him because Hundred told you he pressed the button for no reason. (About the guy that said there was no weird ban reason, I don't think he would go ban someone with the reason; "Hundred told me to ban him cause he was pressing the button" 4. Yes you did cause them to die. Shoo shoo, stop lieing already. 5. 3 Minutes hm? So you followed the last CT survivors all through the round, even at the start when everyone was alive? Think of something better when you try to bullshit your way out next time. 6. You did not do a vote on Simpsons, check the 3rd screenshot and see what Storm said. And only a few people had done rtv. 7. I've now had enough of this so I ain't responding anymore. 8. Oh and one last thing - Hundred2 Icon : Nobana were caught (Today, 13:11) I think that there is enough proof already to start with. Beacon = abuse? When I used it to myself, as I explained earlier. When there is one guy camping in some corner, and I couldnt find him. First, I beaconed myself, and them him. So he had the same chance to win as I did. If you see that abusing, I dont know what isnt. Okok, this will be the last. I'm sorry to dissapoint you, I was the last guy and I was not camping in a corner, I was looking all over the map, besides how can you know I was camping in a corner, you're making things up now or you're a wallhacker, else beacon was not necessary.
I agree. This is a one off of many and he is usually a good admin. Usually, when you're there, do you honestly think he is going to abuse while an other admin is there? Besides he also tried to show off to his friend (Hundred). Oh and he abused it today with the beacon and by the way, it is not that "Once" is the problem, it is the problem that he DID abuse and ruins the game for everyone in the server.
Always? I visit fun server 2-3 times a week? Im almost always quiet in there, people have never whined at me, if you dont count yesturday. Im sorry if Im rude, but stop making things up and stick to the facts. This post has been edited by Nobana: Today, 13:49 ________________________________________________________ Ok man, stick to the facts? Then why don't you start. Like really do you lack brains or something or are you simply retarded, stop friggin avoid the truth.
LoL. You asked me to type sv_airaccelerate 9999 or something with the bhop. I said no, not my server. You kept saying to change it and calling me and "fag admin" = I muted you. Uhm, that wasn't even really me, that was that sheep person or w/e he was called. Don't talk bullshit about me if you don't even know who I am in-game. I agree with Paul, it was some guy called Sheep who asked for that and later kept spamming if he could get banned.
Yea, yesturday, approximately between 5pm and 6pm. Uhm, no. When I joined game today it was at De_Westwood. I don't think that map is usually there and he beaconed Nobana, if you can look at the first screenshot you can clearly see the map Smash_Cannonz, I remember Hundred was last survivor and his stone was falling so you put Noclip on him so he could fly to a safe stone and thanks to that he made it, I'm not sure if he made it but yes that does harm. Oh and thanks, you just made me remind you drugged 3-4 people and I was one of them. Hundred DID had something to do with it "Nobana!! He's pressing random buttons!!! Ban him!!" And also check the second screenshot, it says also an other name with slapping. YES, it did harm you killed them both. And at the CT Deathrun, you should've told them to go first before slaying them, that's called giving warnings. Ah, and at the map change, you did not ask any mapchange before you changed it to Fy_Simpsons, you did ask that however later at Buses_From_Hell. That is all for now again.
Yes, he beaconed there.
Nobana abuses his power. Heres a list of what he did: Noclip Slaying Slapping Map Change (He didn't ask the players) Beacons Banning (If I'm right he banned someone because he so called pressed 1 button for no reason at deathrun) Sadly enough 1 screenshot failed so I only got screenshots of slapping, map change and Noclip. That is all.