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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. Alright, point taken.

    But seriously I don't think anyone else does either


  2. (...)

    This it what I mean with "you're missing the point": The actual act of blocking TPB does not affect me, but the possible results of it might. If an organization like BREIN can make a provider block a website (and limit your freedom of speech), who's to say big companies can't start blocking out websites or content they don't want to have on the internet?


    Unfortunately BREIN may be laying the very foundation of something that will limit freedom of speech on the internet (much like SOPA).

    I highlighted the reasons I'm calling you guys hypocrites. Look, I completely understand your concerns. But it's not true. It MIGHT be in the FUTURE, and I understand that you are worried it will happen. It's like me shooting a bullet through you head now, because you MIGHT have wanted to kill me in the future.

    That's like saying that we should start overpolluting the planet again because climate change only MIGHT come in the future.

    Actually, no. For the pollution we have proof and we know it's destroying the planet. And even if we didn't have proof, this is about the world which is pretty important that we save it.

    Still, no reason to protest against BREIN.

    The point wasn't whether global warming is true or not.

    Its more like "Probably shouldnt let that person do this because he may do negative things with it".

    Giving a child a gun, or letting convicts in a prison go shopping in a town nearby etc. Not guaranteed to cause bad shit to happen, but possible.

  3. ITT: everyone telling everyone to not state their opinion

    also wouldnt this stuff affect L4G as well since we're kind of posting stuff about video games and sharing files and stuff

    and having fun

  4. I don't see anything wrong with your team

    stop blaming your team

    I armed 8 mcoms and blew up 6. :yeah:

    so you actually got to the mcoms

    and armed them

    and some even blew up

    then you say your team had nothing to do with it?

    I think you were just doing better than you usually do, then urinating all over the inside part of your head, causing you to act like an ass

    Don't act like an ass

    Don't urinate inside your head

    Be a bro, and respect your team even if you did better than them or you didnt like the way they did things

    After all you couldnt have got anything done if it actually were 1vs16

  5. The images are very low on resolution so it's hard to see any details

    It's hard to give any sort of critism on them as well, since they are either very basic or drawn from a reference.

    I know, but I can't get huge images with a mobile phone

    Might wanna get a scanner then, if drawing is your thing.

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