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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Laca

  1. Laca

    PROTEST as heck

    Mute for 1 day for almost nothing, when i see what ppl are writing ingame... Marked as blocker for nothing, i just joined game and instantly got marked. Mute-Reason he told me is that im provoking him or what. Block-Reason he told me is nothing, i just know that there was map journey andreas and in the start of playing without ghostmode he instantly rammed me, so i wanted toto ram him back but i couldnt get to him, so i let him, then he went in water with tractor while he was first, he died, anyone maybe saw that, i quited and when i went off, he called me kid and more, then he said "laca im going to mark u whenwant u come or something like that.. ofc i couldnt answer him by discord, cause guess why... stig muted me on discord->that mute i understand, in the morning i insulted a bit so i have been muted for 1 hour ok ok., but this mute for day+mark? Rofl Joined in game and instantly got marked. Sometimes Stig even die to ruin my gameplay, the same is with sandro, gj guys... unlucky nothing will happen anyway have a good day/////////on the last pic u can see, Nomands said the same thing as me and hes not muted for that :))
  2. Laca

    Mod/admin app

    rip, your word is the biggest, ur actually the most usefull admin, i respect it, ty!
  3. Laca

    Mod/admin app

    Gameserver: mix Age: 20 Country of origin: Czech Republic Link to Steam Community profile *: Discord name **: Laca#2903 Ingame name: KoM|L@c@ Little something about your self: name: Martin, ill go on college this year. Im playing here for 4 years and i jope ill stay here for couple of another years! maturity: On a scale 1/10 I would say 8 because I am mature but also I like to have fun and and hangout with the rest of the staff and players. I am playing daily... Why you think you're fit to be admin: Well I have been a Admin on a server before so I know the responsibility I need to make sure I am the best of the best of Admins to make sure that the server is fun and everyone is happy lol! Anyway i think i improved myself from my last accidents, so i could have some chance, but this app is like trial. have a good day
  4. 5/10
  5. 5/10
  6. Laca


    U forgot to add date cause this is old af ) Many months back im sure
  7. xd
  8. 5/10
  9. Name: L@c@ Mix: Rias- I'm back Race: Crazy Maze Race In Space
  10. And u r who
  11. me
  13. I saw "Show your car" i showed my car i live irl, sry Chill chill, nobody is perfect
  14. Csgo ia free game now, u can play with anyone and its able to download on steam, but its non-prime version, ppl that had bought csgo before this update got now prime version so game is still same like before just selected on prime and nonprime, prime 14$, 1% on cheaters and non prime is free but 95% u get cheater, enjoy 1. Free 2. Prime payed
  15. I still dont know what is the problem, i think on green is noone whos under 15, but anyway even 12 kids are watching porn, they know these things, idk why its not allowed, are they that retarded that they will fap cause of my pj?
  16. I already had 1 pj like that and noone warned me or anything like that, just do it, whats the problem, you so pj. Me pay Clasic bussines, i dont see any rules about pornography, and like in real lige, im buyer and youi should respect my request as far as i dont see any rules about, ty bro, gn
  17. PLAQUE!!! ass has also naked girls, refresh my apply i pay 2k for taht, ask cena if he accept with my request! ty good night poggers
  18. I want CaN to be admin !
  19. And f5 ?
  20. Nick in game: Laca Nick on car: No  Passions: porn, sexy girls Theme/s: porn, sexy girls Color/s: black/orange/white, like pornhub colors Ps: somewhere put tag Suck it! And make it really pervert without cenzures !! Ty, ill pay 2k, im lazy to make it myself + no time, GL example
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