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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Bierbuikje

  1. There is gm for the first 5 cp by default on mr green, after that you're either lucky or fucked whether it stays on or not. I also thought about NTS version for Mix, it was mentioned too by others but I first have to take a look into the NTS script because it might interfere with my script. I do not exactly know how that one is designed.
  2. Different. The script is client sided so everyone sees the checkpoints moving to different random directions.
  3. Another map! This time in collaboration with FantomicanYoshi! Yoshi had an idea about moving checkpoints so I tried a few things scripting, Yoshi added some scenery and the result is below. The map is uploaded in the mr green map database and waiting for approval.
  4. Tried something more and it works (somewhat). See the video below to see the moving markers in action. To explain what you are seeing: There are 2 sorts of checkpoints, small and large. The small ones are 'fake' and act as subtitute for the real ones. The real ones are 'large' and are created like normal CP's in the .map file. The fake finish CP moves between two locations on the X axis. The fake first CP has an arrow which is targeted at the position of the finish (updates every second). Limitations: When entering a fake CP the car may stop, still need to fix that. The first CP is flickering every second because the arrow is updated to target at the right finish location (don't think I can fix that). Update: I think I fixed the sudden stop of the car when entering a marker by using getElementVelocity() and setElementVelocity().
  5. I tried the getElementByID() and setElementPosition() option but it doesn't work, the checkpoint seems pinned to its location. As if it is created on the location specified in the .map file and you can't change it afterwards.
  6. The music.lua seems to have dissapeared. The lua script below works, I believe I once copied it from these forums too. Save it in a file called music.lua , create a folder called files in your maps' location and put the music file in it called music.mp3 function startMusic() setRadioChannel(0) song = playSound("files/music.mp3",true) outputChatBox("Press M to mute the music.") end function makeRadioStayOff() setRadioChannel(0) cancelEvent() end function toggleSong() if not songOff then setSoundVolume(song,0) songOff = true removeEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) else setSoundVolume(song,1) songOff = false setRadioChannel(0) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),startMusic) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) addCommandHandler("mkmap1_racetheme",toggleSong) bindKey("m","down","mkmap1_racetheme")
  7. Always a friendly player, good luck!
  8. Haha must be, maybe it influenced me.
  9. Map downloads Chase the Checkpoint (post) Author: Bierbuikje & FantomicanYoshi Description: Moving Checkpoints script by Bierbuikje and Yoshi's inspiration Version: 1.1.2 Gamemodes: Race (download: race-ChasetheCheckpoint.zip) NTS (download: nts-ChasetheCheckpoint.zip)
  10. Hello, I made a map and I hope it will be uploaded on the mr-green server. Goal: Race through the checkpoints and finish first. Be aware of dumpers ramming you on the road. Checkpoints: 50 Average time: 3 minutes and 40 seconds Short video: &color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1">&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="660" height="405"> Download link: http://speedy.sh/v8MzB/race-Garcia.zip http://speedy.sh/v8MzB/race-Garcia.zip Or via the forum: race-Garcia.zip Thanks!
  11. Hello, I made a map for MTA race. It is called 'Country-Roads'. The map duration is 3:20 minutes and you play it with a Roadtrain. While you do the race it plays a very nice song called Country Roads (but a much more party number than the original version). You can download it here: Country-Roads.rar Thanks to fantomicanyoshi/blueyoshi for helping me! Bierbauch
  12. Hello, I was wondering if Counter Strike is a free game. And if it is, where can I download it? Thanks a lot, Bierbuikje
  13. Gameserver: Multi Theft Auto (race) Age: 16 Country of origin: The Netherlands Link to SteamCommunity profile: none Link to Xfire profile: none About myself The most people at the forum won't know who I am, but at the Mr. Green race server everyone knows my name, Bierbauch (the german translation of Bierbuikje). I am a 16 years old boy from the Netherlands. You can find me in the race server a lot and sometimes I'm online at the IRC channel chatting with ingame. I am not new with MTA, I think I play it for over 3 years now. I always preferred stealth servers, but after a while it became boring and I started with racing. That was much more exciting. Thanks to the dutch gtaforum community I explored Mr. Green. First I only registered at the dutch forum and after a while I also registered at the english part because of the green coins. I am not very active at both forums, but that will change in the near future. As admin I have a lot experience. I have been admin on a busy forum for over a year and I was administrator at servers from my friends. My priority as an admin has always been fun. As long as everybody is enjoying the server I am happy. Sad enough there are always players stopping the fun of others. At such moments I am able to react fast by warning this player. If he continuous with blocking I kick the player. If you want to contact me about anything you can meet me ingame at any time or send me a Personal Message at the dutch or engelish Mr. Green forum. Thanks for reading.
  14. I was sick of the SVK's blocking all the time so I decided to make a video.
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