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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nick

  1. okay im out... but if ill have time that day ill be there
  2. Poor guy just wants to play some shooter
  3. Good luck my polish friend
  4. Hi, I would like to make a simple poll that i think will be interesting for map creators and everyone else as well.
  5. Nice job, a certified bruh moment for me Anyway that topic name is confusing what's "er rig" even supposed to mean, ofc i couldn't find it cuz i was searching similar topic before posting but couldn't find anything, now i know why
  6. Hey everyone, what's up. So we did show our pictures, our desktop background, our internet speed, even our cars, but we didnt show our "gaming" setup yet. So lets do that now. I know somebody may have shown it already at introducing themselves or anywhere else, but lets make a special place for this. As usual i'll be the first one. I admit i did clean all the mess for the picture but eh, anyway. ( Next time we're going to show our toilets )
  7. let me IN Nicky1999
  8. Well, what can i say except thank you for holding and managing this community all this time. Nothing is infinite and being an owner is a hard time like being a president, many responsibilities and much work to do to handle the community, so you deserve a break. Altho i was mostly in the shadow and wasn't so active cuz i had some big brakes in mta cuz of the exams and other school stuff, but i can say you and Ywa did the job well and managed to build a good and friendly community. I can say that so far mrgreen is one of my favourite servers, i won't even compare it with ffs and 3r. Yes i used to play on them but when i found out about mrgreen,not much time passed and i dropped those servers. The best thing i found about this server was the community wich wasn't so toxic (atleast for me, i didn't have troubles with community hh), and good and helpful admins wich helped out when you needed some help, and all this was the result of you and all the managers. Saldy i didnt discover mrgreen earlier when the comunitty was bigger but well, that's my fault i was blind. I wish you best of luck in your future life and i wish Afu good luck with managing the community from now on. Hope well meet again in future,if not on mrgreen then in another games, this time i won't be blind like i was in Cit hehe...
  9. Nick

    Map Event

    If there won't be 20+ players , im not coming [SH]Burnout [SH]Norton world
  10. Cant comment anything as i dont know you at all but well..Good luck
  11. Accepted as toilet cleaner #2
  12. Hm firstly i wanted to suggest to give everyone Vip for 1 day, but since you said about Double Gc's its ok, I can suggest to add MH and DL gamemodes in the map Cycle for that day, like to remember old times idk. I dont know how hard that is to realize, how many lines of code you need to change, if its too hard you can leave that Yes maybe some people dont like those gamemodes, but for somebody it will be a nostalgia, besides its only for one day. Also i thought about blocking the map store for that day to avoid overdose of shooter and nts(and play like an old server cuz its anniversary, without any map buying), but i dunno how will people react to that, and well, this idea is up to you. If i will think about any other ideas i will update this reply or make a new one, but more likely i will update it.
  13. When you successfully raided area 51
  14. Nick

    Map Event

    Yes that's me Map Name: [Rtf]Papatka 33 [CTF] Budya's Morning Glory Shade of madness 4.0
  15. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 6B9 with service from Las Venturas to Los Santos.We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time.Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Nick Airlines. Enjoy your flight.
  16. When youre sick of DD so you start fishing instead
  17. As for now im waiting for 1 script to get allowed cuz its server-sided, otherwise it wont work. I hope it gets allowed and then ill upload the map, as a preview of the map i recorded a little video. As i said its my first time scripting and mapping so the map can be shitty lol..tried my best. bandicam 2020-08-04 23-58-28-722.mp4
  18. According to one of my first accounts in Mta history im pretty old too( sadly i cant watch register date on that server only punishment history).even before mta i played sa-mp for some time. i dont know why mrgreen was going around me that time maybe the server wasnt so popular then.But im glad i found it. Damn time flies by so fast .
  19. Thanks for help @minowux . I think im pretty much finished with the map, but i dont know what name should i give it i dont have any idea lol..
  20. Basically, Since i had some free time, Im working on my first ever map in Mta. I chose shooter cuz it's my favourite gamemode, and maybe it's easier to make at some point.Since I'm not a good designer and can't add good decorations and diversity to the map (like @-Shadow-, @Dubby and other good creators) I wanted to atleast add some fun to the map, so I've decided to add 3 abilities. The idea came from the server I used to like and play when it was alive,(who used to play twisted gamers will know), It had abilities too.Soo..I've wasted hundreds of chrome tabs to understand how these freakin scripts work, since the only experience i have in programming is learning C in the university this year, and I'm still working on it, still thinking to add some sort of "Gui" which will show the remaining uses of the abilites (and maybe the recharge time),so I still need to understand how DxDraw functions works. I don't know how i will make that and im not sure if the map will make it into the server, but atleast I practice in programming cause I feel some sort of euphoria when I see that this shitty script I wrote finally works somehow xd. Soo, I need some advices and/or suggestions (my english sucks and i dont know if those words have the same meaning or not) like: -Should i make it so you have 3(or other) total uses of each ability, or make it so you have 5(or other) total unique uses (so you can use either 1st ability 5 times or use it 4 times and use another ability a single time) -What timer for the abillity recharge should i put -Any advices and tips(useful lua functions maybe) on how should you make the "gui"(although im not sure if its called gui or some sort of information table lol), Im thinking to add it either in the center on the bottom of the screen or on bottom right corner. Or any other advice you can give (those 2 above are the main ones, cuz i need to know how to do it).For now, i made it so you have 3 uses of each abillity with a recharge time of 10 seconds( you cannot use another ability after you used the first one, you still need to wait 10 seconds to use another one). The hardest one is the third one wich i found out needs to be a server-sided script, wich is like 2 times harder, but somehow i managed to make it work, but i stil need to finish the scripts so they work perfectly(although im not sure if i will be able to make it as im not a pro in p rogramming) As for now this i a little teaser(pre-pre-alpha lol), to reach to this point i wasted like 5 days or so. The chatbox text if for testing purposes. For those who thinks map is too flat (flat is justice), on shooter you need wider areas especially if there are like 20 people or 30 playing( thats my opinion), also i dont like tight areas. This was my first ever post on forums sorry if there's too much text, and thank you if you read it till the end. (Also how the heck can a music file size be 97 Mb lol i won't even be able to put it since the maximum is 5 Mb for a map here)
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