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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Aiur

  1. Someone was playing Barbie 3 collector edition when suddenly something knocked on the balls of Roborobb which he enjoyed.His huge and pristine willy connected to his computer. He found pornographies even though he broke his legs last time he repaired his balls. He turned off his very small computer and went to the sex shop where Sneed was with his mother buying mans stuff. After seeing Sneed he ran away looking at headcrab which was on themassive red bus. Then Pufulet took out his gun called the Jiggalo3000 and shot headcrab right in the balls. But then he died very fast because of poison in headcrabs. He changed in a barrel to avoid some big sharks without the c*ck. The barrel had a hand with a big stick with some dogsh*t, and it says "Do a BarrelRoll!" Then he takes dark1thoughts face and crafts a Ushanka shaped like penis that was soft because he didn't have time to brush his teeth. Suddenly, a giant Roborobb's sexy cake attacks Chikennugget from outer space and to survive, he had to consume over 9000 brown cookies that were made of nordic tears, brewed with uncle sam's ale imported directly from the netherlands. He then played WoW raging like a Covenant Grunt. But then he visited the local headcrab army lab and he found a magic crowbar forgery. He had to deliver a large oblong shaped penis to EmRA's secret underground chief named Petty who had 10+ FOOTMOBILES heading towards the Whiskey Hotel. Ramirez did good kills. After that he did good kills. Ramirez headed towards the lonely island with his banana which looked like a big apple in the ass from the behind of an elephant. But, there was an AntlionGuard blocking your cock. So he used the penetrator 5000 to DO A BARRELROLL! in under 3 tiny little pity seconds he got a massive erection with Obama & Osama under his leg. He squashed them between his thighs. At this very moment he took the keys for the batmobile and
  2. Someone was playing Barbie 3 collector edition when suddenly something knocked on the balls of Roborobb which he enjoyed.His huge and pristine willy connected to his computer. He found pornographies even though he broke his legs last time he repaired his balls. He turned off his very small computer and went to the sex shop where Sneed was with his mother buying mans stuff. After seeing Sneed he ran away looking at headcrab which was on themassive red bus. Then Pufulet took out his gun called the Jiggalo3000 and shot headcrab right in the balls. But then he died very fast because of poison in headcrabs. He changed in a barrel to avoid some big sharks without the c*ck. The barrel had a hand with a big stick with some dogsh*t, and it says "Do a BarrelRoll!" Then he takes dark1thoughts face and crafts a Ushanka shaped like penis that was soft because he didn't have time to brush his teeth. Suddenly, a giant Roborobb's sexy cake attacks Chikennugget from outer space and to survive, he had to consume over 9000 brown cookies that were made of nordic tears, brewed with uncle sam's ale imported directly from the netherlands. He then played WoW raging like a Covenant Grunt. But then he visited the local headcrab army lab and he found a magic crowbar forgery. He had to deliver a large oblong shaped penis to EmRA's secret underground chief named Petty who had 10+ FOOTMOBILES heading towards the Whiskey Hotel. Ramirez did good kills. After that he did good kills. Ramirez headed towards the lonely island with his banana which looked like a big apple in the ass from the behind of an elephant. But, there was an AntlionGuard blocking your cock. So he used the penetrator 5000 to DO A BARRELROLL! in under 3 tiny little pity seconds he got a massive erection with Obama & Osama under his leg.
  3. Someone was playing Barbie 3 collector edition when suddenly something knocked on the balls of Roborobb which he enjoyed.His huge and pristine willy connected to his computer. He found pornographies even though he broke his legs last time he repaired his balls
  4. Someone was playing Barbie 3 collector edition when suddenly something knocked on the balls of Roborobb which he enjoyed.His huge and pristine willy connected
  5. Happy Birthday11
  6. These days people are extremely oversensitive when it comes to children, ofcourse its not right to hit or intimidate them for every misdeed they make, but seriously if a kid keeps acting like shit and wont listen to you when you attempt to discipline them over and over again you should be allowed to give them a small slap or intimidate them in a way that affects their ego negatively, atleast then they would have a reason not to act like shit towards the community, because as it is now most youth know that they could do almost whatever they want without getting just plain ludicrous punishment if any at all, An example from my old school, ''Student1 kicks the teacher in the back making him almost fall down the stairs the teacher gets angry and takes a light grip on the 15 year old student and tells him to never do that again if he knows what's best for him.'' Guess what he was fired for disciplining the brat because of violent behaviour or something, i mean seriously aren't you even allowed to stand up against these little shitheads anymore? This subject has bugged me a long time aswell since we all can see how many youths/children who lacks any form of discipline are running around doing whatever they want without getting any proper punishment. for example in sweden a 16 - 17 old boy murdered a 16 year old girl along with his girlfriend what did they get? 1,5 years on youthtreatment, a fine example on how much a life is worth these days. I hate today's overprotection to the children and espically the youth which should be able to grasp reality, because i know most of them know whats right and wrong but sometimes ignores it since they can get away with it since they are ''young and stupid'' Intimidation is not the main way to go but if every other attempt to discipline them fails it could be just that what they need, a good reason to not @%&! up for other people even if it hurts their poor ego. Maybe in some years all kind of discipline will be forbidden i would honestly not be surprised. This is my personal opinion and view of todays society in sweden.
  7. Happy Birthday Roborobb. Please come back someday
  8. Aiur

    Robo is Done!

    I suspected that you would leave too. So sad, most of the people i enjoyed playing with is quitting but i respect their decisions and know that it is for their own best. A big part that made me enjoy ZS was the players like bob and roborobb. Now when most of them quit i feel less tempted to play zs so i dont know if im going to be as active as i were before but i wont leave or be idle If deluvas would quit now i would quit too, but im sure that wont happen. Anyways bob good luck and have fun with your life
  9. Aiur

    Robo is Done!

    Bye Sexybeast134 We will all miss you. Brb. Time to hoist the flag halfway.
  10. When clavus is here and that could be in 5 minutes, 7 hours, 3 days, there is no answer to exactly when hes here
  11. Well, atleast we have something else to look forward to
  12. Sounds like a nice idea, but if the humans start with melee weapons please improve their range/accuracy, for example the crowbar dont do any damage if you hit certain spots on a normal zombie like the shoulders and the butterknife you have to hug your enemy to hit them
  13. Spies
  14. Brownies
  15. A whale with lasers. Yeah I don't know why. I just imagined a whale... with lasers attached to it... ... DON'T JUDGE ME. Ion cannon
  16. Is to sexy for this world
  17. Has a immobilized in his reply.
  18. If you get 5000gc and unlock the Energize (Pulse gun) its unlocked forever, however you have to get 60 kills to be able to acquire the pulse rifle itself ingame.
  19. Donated 10 euro. I have the upgrades: Quick Cure Moar Firepower Energize Melonhead Backbreaker Steamroller Bunny-ears Comeback Quick redeem And maybe a few which i forgot. Also i have 6203 GC in hand right now
  20. Should rename himself SexySawman and take me out for dinner on a date dammit! Stands for 90% of the world's hornyness.
  21. Should be chained to the bed
  22. Really have to go to bed now.
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