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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by (O)_(O)

  1. thanks guys <3
  2. Which server?
  3. Never i saw you on IRC, you do have to be connected more on IRC... will be better for you, Good Luck Anyway
  4. What i don't like, is when i go second, and i don't see the first and also the change in dimensions, and that's the worst... my opinion.
  5. i also try be an admin on mta MrGreen xd, good luck!
  6. Yes, but mostly i prefer to see the players of the server, they may have problems to try to help them. ( I also connected me to #mrgreen but much less that #mrgreen.mta, but if it is necessary, i will be in #mrgreen and #mrgreen.mta always! )
  7. Yeah... Thank you, i'm always on IRC ( In IRC i'm [O]_[O], because the parenthesis it is not permitted ) Not that I'm on loads compared to people like Darkstar, but I have never seen you on IRC before? Ywa's on much more than me you hoe. And he has been on the irc a bit, maybe could do with more. Looks at all the days in #mrgreen.mta, i will be there.
  8. Yeah... Thank you, i'm always on IRC ( In IRC i'm [O]_[O], because the parenthesis it is not permitted )
  9. Thanks guys! Hopefully... yoshi!!
  10. Gameserver: Mr Green MTA Age: 17 Country of origin: Spain Link to SteamCommunity profile: - Link to Xfire profile: - Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hi to all, my nick is (O)_(O) or Phaeo and my real name Luis, i want to be admin (If YWA wants) , because i see a few admins for a well-known server. English, well... I'm no expert but i understand everything, not bad. Years in MTA, i've been since 2005-2006 ( i do not remember ) i met many people, admins, etc... Also played samp. i knew this when he was still DM from that day i loved MrGreen, it's like my virtual home i feel good here. How am i? Funny, friendly summarizing good person... Today it was time trying to be admin, because i've been here many years, all administrators known me and i am known for being fast in races and a good person, BinSlayer became my best MTAfriend, i will take seriously my role as administrator and will help English Speakers and Spanish Speakers. You choose YWA if yes or no, greetings.
  11. Dont know... maybe simply want bother with a virus. But think that you are legal, besides i never see to you in the server.
  12. You can put photos?, maybe some admin thinks that is a virus... only if you want, bye!!
  13. (O)_(O)

    My map

    A map of Puma, i changed the BF Injection for Karts and extra checkpoints. The Pooltable.zip
  14. I played Duke nukem, long time ago in PS1, but now the new Duken Nukem omg, Ay caramba!
  15. (O)_(O)

    unban plz

    because fps better on straight spots...on start fps sux i am no speedhacking really...if a admins dont see it...I don't know what to tell in the justification First, buys a new pc...
  16. Maybe your new map "Never The Same" is gonna beat it Always is played like 6 or 7 times in a row It's gonna be a EPIC map, indeed. PS: /me thinks that BinSlayer is a MTANerd. <3 Indeed, the map has been played 50 times in 1 day!
  17. hajhajahjahjaajajjajajajjajaaja carambita

  18. Gtasa mira primero, ve a este link http://www.xoti.net/stuff/uploads/music_3bfb.lua Copia todo lo que aparece, ahora crear una nota, con el bloc de notas, que se llame music.lua, en esta nota pegaras todo lo que copiaste anteriormente en el link, ahora en los archivos de tu mapa donde el meta.xml, creas una carpeta llamada Files en esa carpeta metes tu musica ( tiene que ser en mp3), y tendras que cambiar el nombre de la cancion a music.mp3, la nota que creaste antes la metes junto en donde el meta.xml, ahora pinche sobre el meta.xml click derecho y le das a abrir con bloc de notas y pon esto justo debajo de la linea </meta>. <file src="files/music.mp3" /> <script src="music.lua" type="client" /> Cierras guardas y todo listo, creo que me entenderas o sino pregunta, saludos
  19. My boyfriend !!


  20. My boyfriend !!


  21. i never thought that you used cheats, but some people yes. You are the best
  22. (O)_(O)

    My map

    Thank you, binslayer
  23. (O)_(O)

    My map

    3 maps for MrGreen ! - Maestro de la carretera: Just another race with infernus... - Un BANDIDO con BANDITO: Bandito race in the desert - DMC & (O)_(O): Speedway Maestro de la carretera.zip un BANDIDO con BANDITO.zip DMC & (O)_(O).zip
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