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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by (O)_(O)

  1. Love you jack, i hope you are ok ♥

  2. 8.5/10
  3. Yoooo where is SDK, SDK maaaaaah madafuckin fellaa, i love y'all, MrGreen will be a part of my heart forever♥. I'm still alive. xoxoxoxox

    1. jack123


      malparido miamor no muerto jajaja

    2. jededo


      Hola ojos mi amor :3

    3. HeArTBeaT


      SDK is probably drooling over a dota server right about now

  4. Si todo en el juego te va mas rapido, es por que tienes algo extraño instalado ya sea en el propio MTA o en el GTA San Andreas, recuerda si instalaste algo, si es así trata de buscarlo y desinstalalo, si no reinstala el GTA o MTA, y si sigue dando problemas debe de ser algo extraño de tu PC.
  5. Oh man, the year started great for me, but now i fckd my ears, i have tinnitus... some of you is suffering this problem around here? :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Knul


      I have tinnitus too, there aren't solution for it.. It's fucking annoying but I got used to it. I feel your pain bro :(

  6. Ufopia deleted.... im done with this server. #RespectOldSchoolMaps
  7. i have a niu girlfriend, so im very happy :D, please SDK dont be jealous,i still love you

  8. Why is everybody doing SPAM of their own servers? i dont fckng understand, what's going on?
  9. Man, you deserve a ban. 1. Insulting BinSlayer the father of mix server. 2. I am not included in your list.
  10. I'm also thinking of leaving the server... I dont really like the top times update, whats the point of playing here now? Every map you play you make a top time, it was fun trying to beat an old top time, now we cant do that...
  11. 4/10 8/10
  12. That's me in the night looking for SDK, the quality is not that good but... fuck you.
  13. Hmm, thats new? Its a serious bug, must be fixed soon...
  14. The niu gamemode sounds good , and i also agree with cena.
  15. (O)_(O)

    My map

    niu .... DD-explosivewater4.rar Just-a-random-map-i-have-made-while-touching-my-balls.rar
  16. Yes thank you BinSlayer, we all miss you (i see you everyday in steam tho) JACK123 PUTO FINALLY YOU'RE ADMIN UPLOAD NIU MAPS NOW, congratz
  17. I dont really know who started the fight, i told you guys to calm down, but this guy Mega deserves a ban (not a permaban imo), i warned him and he continued insulting Race, also the attitude of Mega was so disrespectful towards me. I'll wait for more admins opinions.
  18. I'm sick you deleted tma-sa8 , is there any backup of all the maps that have been deleted?, i've play the map 1000 times and its not bugged, you just must know how to play it... PS: Also i'd like to recuperate my map mariokart, xoxoxox
  19. I don't really know if i posted this video before somewhere in the forum, i think not... For that reason, after 5 years, im gonna post it XD. #GoodMemories #SDKVAGO #OldMrGreenRules #IDidntKnowHowToAddMusicToVideosSoIAddedAShittyMusicFromYoutube #HighFPS #FaceIdiotThisIsNotTwitter
  20. SDK upload niu maps you're too vago, report.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hulpje


      niu gravity!!

    3. theMOROCCANguy



      face pls don't comeback,you uploaded enough shitty maps <3

    4. neox.


      ugh, that hurts aw

  21. Congrats guys, besweeet now you can ''buy'' car attack all the times you want!
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