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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by besweeet

  1. I'd like that as well. In addition to your examples, it can do things similar to the random vote in DD on mix (ravebreak for one user, darkness on screen for a few seconds, etc.).
  2. I don't like that idea. People will be /liking maps just so they get 1GC. /like is fewer characters to type than /dislike, too.
  3. So people get 1GC for /like or /dislike, or they pay that much?
  4. Flags in TAB would be nice.
  5. Still waiting for an official resignation press release from SDK :D.
  6. My proposed change will be either SH for up to 3 rounds, or CG for up to 3 rounds, so: NTS > CTF > SH >DD > RTF NTS > CTF > CG > DD> RTF I like SH (SH > CG > SH) better actually.
  7. That could be cool. The rotation could be: NTS, CTF, SH *or* CG, DD, RTF.
  8. So... Why was cargame disabled? I see very few people complaining of any bugs (if any even exist for that mode)...
  9. Go Flipper, go!
  10. Server: race Map: Night Above Ocean Problem: Sandking pickups are too close to the top / end of a half loop:
  11. Good map. Classic IMO.
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