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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by besweeet

  1. Wow. Once in a lifetime screenshot.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3XliFFZxXQ
  3. +1 for the Carmageddon photo.
  4. Darn... Strategy compromised. Nah, it's fine. Just requires perfect timing.
  5. RIP SkaYeH
  6. +6579843625748932657893426 to Viini for all of these posts.
  7. 15th map: [sH] Mad Maestro My first SH. Kept it basic while giving players plenty of options on where to go. Song: https://soundcloud.com/devinmartinmusic/mad-maestro-free-dl
  8. It's an improvement! Messed up a bunch of times too.
  9. Yo dogg
  10. Ah, actually, the war has only begun!
  11. It wouldn't be MRG without neox, so I'll pass. Plus I really don't like that map much.
  12. Took someone almost two months to beat it. Congrats .
  13. "You finished 4th!"
  14. Also that's more about other servers, probably letting someone kill you for gc over and over Darn. Would've been a nice rule.
  15. A wild SDK was spotted.
  16. No GC farming. So those who are /away in MTA won't be getting free GCs anymore? Good.
  17. He wouldn't stop sending me PMs in-game the entire time I was playing. It was annoying.
  19. I finish the day with 13 (!!!) 4TH's. Might be a new single-day record... (Didn't take a screenshot for x13.)
  21. Wonas happens to be in all of these.
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