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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by besweeet

  1. 1 minute ago, Cena said:

    You said it by yourself. It was originally meant for DM. NOT RTF. Also Bob was never mix map manager. He was just taking over till SDK make a new mix map manager that time beacuse warp disappeared. Since Bob isn't a mix player he shouldn't really accept the map in the first place, but we can't blame him. He was just taking over for sometime.

    I also said that it "should work perfectly with RTF," which it does, hence why it's so loved :). Might as well take it down from race as well.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Cena said:

    I'm going to hide all these posts after we finish xD Yea thats true, not every map is easy, but AGA was very hard for most of the players.

    What if there was a modified map rotation that sets AGA once out of every 250 maps and restricts it from being bought more than once within a 48-hour period?

  3. 18 minutes ago, Cena said:

    Borz had hard RTF maps and players couldn't finish it and they were forced to wait the 20 mins so warp deleted them. Its same thing with this RTF map. Players used to wait 20 mins and then 15 mins but they still can't finish it. You can complain about maps but I wouldn't care since you are only "1" player complaining. I need group of players to complain about a specific map.

    Well, people can't expect every map to be easy. If there are only a few hard maps out of the thousands, then so be it. Leave those few alone.

    I shall fight this to the death :D.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Cena said:

    We shouldn't be talking here but players complained about it a lot and too many dislikes than likes. I personally liked the map but its the players who were complaining about it.

    I'm sure that they can get over an occasional map that they don't like. If I complained about every bad / lengthy map, there wouldn't be many maps left :D.

  5. 30 minutes ago, Buurrman said:

    great adventure good map(for the pro's) alot of time gets bought when only noobs are on no one can finish it so have to wait for like 20 mins then people like to troll and play it againx2 so 1 hour of waiting for some shitty map

    The time for AGA was lowered from 20 minutes to 15. Maybe 8 minutes would be better for all the people who can't finish :).

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