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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by besweeet

  1. 6 minutes ago, neox. said:

    I would like to know if we can post pictures like as we always did, take image URL, paste it here with 'insert image' button and get the image on your post, or if we're able to post GIFs? for me it'd be a cooler and overwhelming way to reply.

    Oh no, MM/DD/YYYY y u do dis, it's better DD/MM/YYYY

    I always add images using the {img} tags.


    Also, mis there no way to view a plain-text editor?

  2. MrGG has been modernized! Clean, responsive theme. But maybe it's a bit too clean (for now, at least; I figure more changes are coming)? The previous one at least had a banner that seemed unique. Currently, it seems like a standard IPB theme with a MrGG logo.

    But great so far.

  3. Besweeet, I don't think I'm doing more trouble than before. I used to play around with nicknames and I've never had ban before(except for xpro, but there I probably gone a bit too far).

    But you still shouldn't change names at all. Just play the game.

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