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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by besweeet

  1. WOO! Can be a bit faster actually. Made it on my first try.
  2. Who is Driver76? Never heard of him/her/it.
  3. Good idea. Surprised it isn't that way already.
  4. That might be the case, but everything's different. As long as there are players, there will be servers. Look at Unreal Tournament from 1999. There are still quite a few servers and players.
  6. /lol @ SkyNET's old fashioned rage quit .
  7. Dat triple kill for the win... MMM RAVE... Spawned inside of a sign... Someone get me to that medical center! Round ended early... Top 2 still alive, yet the map vote came up...
  8. HAX I'll let my top without shortcuts pretend it's really frist .
  9. Nice try . I was going to reply by another way, don't unhide my post... I didn't unhide anything. Just quoted your post.
  10. The meta.xml isn't the same as the one I uploaded . But everything appears to work. Thanks .
  11. You foreigners always have to bring Americans up . Always trying to compare .
  12. NEW RAVEBREAK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGlKfVlnVuQ RAVEBREAK ALL TEH THINGS
  13. Updated version attached to this post. rtf-a-great-adventure.zip
  14. *And Kali has spoken!* You could give every played 500,000GC, and people will still complain about something .
  15. Got it -- thanks. Made the XML change. Will download the editor plugin and add the flag soon.
  16. Nitro: - It would be nice if there's a visual indicator (perhaps above the map?) that tells you when it's on and off. When switching cars, it's not so obvious. Top TImes: - The new UI looks nice, but could there be a toggle that chooses between MM-DD and DD-MM? Was weird seeing the day before the month. - Maybe widen the F5 box to incorporate years?
  17. I think people with old tops are just mad that it'll now be hard to replicate them. Although, the new nitro model might actually help a lot of times.
  18. Yes, it's disappointing to see tops that may have been there for years just be deleted, but it provides fresh goals for both old and new players.
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