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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by besweeet

  1. +99999 to Kali for updating /board. Just wish people's colored names were working.
  2. I will donate big money* for it to stay in the server forever. Makes everything look happier. *not really...
  3. OMG SNOW IS BACK?! YES!!!11
  4. 'MURICA, YO:
  5. Good video! Wish it was longer, but the keyframes for the text and things probably take a long time.
  6. 719p FTW
  8. http://youtu.be/Isjf0X9vuLM
  9. You... You recorded your screen with a camera?
  10. 4th OMG... AND AGAIN!!!!!1 AND AGAIN WTF!!! I didn't take a screenshot since I immediately pressed ALT+F4.
  11. I was 4th the round before that. But close enough .
  12. Joined mix from race, and I started floating. Was pretending I was a helicopter camera . http://youtu.be/Fk_8E9wYHyY
  13. This video almost has 1,000 views for some reason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g0HfOfuoNI
  14. /lol santiii
  15. Not MTA, but 4TH YET AGAIN! That's number 9 for today...
  16. /lol santii Update: Currently up to be4THx7 for today (and counting).
  17. 4x 4th place finishes in a row. ACTUALLY FIVE BECAUSE I JUST FINISHED 4TH AGAIN. WTF. UPDATE: 4TH, 6 TIMES IN A ROW. UPDATE: Finally not 4th... Thanks to a Yoshi map <3.
  18. *RAGE*
  19. Now that my old channel is unbanned, I found some of these:
  20. And a small video: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k7CSW2hptnN7La9ltAk
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