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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by besweeet

  1. Achievement spam . 600GC worth of achievements.
  2. Great video yet again. You catch a lot of good parts.
  3. Best video so far! Lots of /lol moments.
  4. Love this map's time + weather settings. Can see all the way across with no flashing and things.
  5. DonGato 4th x2 . I might make some MTA videos with commentary sometime.
  6. "Video blocked in Germany" http://youtu.be/_g0HfOfuoNI
  7. Patiently waiting for Firefox to get 60FPS support... 99% of my YouTube watching is in VLC anyway.
  8. Did you mean "raging" instead of "regging" (whatever that means)?
  9. I really like the water shader and the sky updates.
  10. Not MTA, but... 4th. It's "Fun Run" for iOS and Android.
  11. That "besweeet" guy should've won the last one .
  12. I'd like to know the default draw distance as well. "100-10000" isn't very helpful in that regard.
  13. I still dont get anything about this pic Besweet i also went mad and set 10000 clip distance and my pc lagged way too hard with fps near just around 20 at race starts The pic shows the new /settings shader effects (car shader, water shader, bloom, etc.).
  14. I made the mistake of setting draw distance to the max (10000 I think it is?), which really cuts my frame rate down a bit (though the sights are pretty!). Worth it IMO.
  15. Fixed the embed: - WOO CAR ATTACK WAS FIRST! - 1:58 was great. - 2:58 - 4TH. - 3:30 - Luck...
  16. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic :\.
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