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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by besweeet

  1. I'm not a fan of maps more than 3 minutes long, which is why I always complain about them (then again, I complain about everything ). Of course, maybe I could make the roller coaster portion and you (or someone else) could make it look pretty.
  2. Not sure if I've posted my config here or not, but here you go (just a copy and paste from my signature): My System (mid-2009 15" MacBook Pro): 2.66GHz Core 2 Duo | 8GB (4GBx2) DDR3 1066MHz | 64GB Corsair V64 SSD | 500GB 7200RPM HDD | Mac OS X 10.5.6 | Windows 7 Professional x64 | Acer P244W 24" 1080p monitor | 9600M GT (256MB)
  3. Map name: Simple Coaster Version: 1.0 Author: besweeet Difficulty: Intermediate Completion time: <2 minutes Here's my third map. It's a roller coaster, like Awesome Coaster, but not nearly as difficult, but it's still pretty fun. There's a song in this map as well. Here's a video of my map: race-simplecoaster.zip
  4. Here's v1.3: 1) Added color changing sky. 2) Added color changing water. 3) Changed the weather. Here's an updated video: race-funjump.zip
  5. Here's v1.5: 1. Added color changing water. 2. Added color changing sky. 3. Ghostmode is now set to 'true'. I forgot about it before. 4. Changed the weather. Here's an updated video: race-awesomecoaster.zip
  6. Is "race-turtletown" yours? If so, the music's perfect. It's my new ringtone. Quite cute .
  7. Here's v1.3: 1) Made SEVERAL small tweaks to the map, so people won't get pissed off (for example, the first loop is MUCH easier, but still takes some skill/precision). 2) Added the music script. I consider this to be the semi-final version. The next version might have some scenery and stuff. Here's v1.4: 1) Added some emergency landing platforms for the jumps, so that if a player doesn't have nitro or is going too slow, they can easily continue on. I'm done with this one for a while. race-awesomecoaster.zip
  8. Here's v1.2: 1) Added the music script. I'm considering this the final version. race-funjump.zip
  9. Ha, thanks. I've made some changes to my map. Here's the changelog for v1.1: 1) Added repair pickups at the end of the ramps. 2) Added the orange mines for some added fun. 3) Added music (music.mp3). I didn't know how to add it into the map myself, so hopefully an admin can add it in. I apologize for the double-post. race-funjump.zip
  10. So far, this discussion has been nothing but mature. Also, if I wanted people's opinion, I would've asked for it, but I didn't. I mentioned in the first post that I don't know the object ID of the orange things, and would appreciate it if an admin could add them for me. So if you can't do that for me, then at least give me the object ID of them. Also, I can't find me original .map file; I don't know what happened to it. So if you can somehow allow me to download my .rar (it keeps saying I don't have permission to download [my own] files), then I'd appreciate it. But at the moment, I'm a little more concerned with my other map...
  11. I see you're not a person with whom I can have a mature discussion. So, alright, I'll take your map off as requested. No, we can have a mature discussion. Your premises are just immature and have had no thought put into them. If my simple map can't have those orange things in them, then all of the other maps that have them should be taken down. It's only fair, right? It's just a map, so there shouldn't be any discussion as to what is allowed and disallowed (unless it's way out of control or is pure crap). Plus, you've already said that the chances of someone getting banned because of going extremely fast is low to none. If someone does happen to get banned (which you've already claimed is unlikely), then they can simply post a ban appeal and everything will be back to normal. So, based off of your odd thinking, maps like race-hipnoze should be removed, right? It has the color changing sky, but that's pretty useless too, right? It's not a necessary feature and it can cause people to get sick. Did you change your mind yet, or are you going to be hard-headed because you don't want people to enjoy a map? If you put it to a vote as to whether or not my map should have those orange things, I'm pretty sure 90% of the results will go towards "yes, put them in". The only people who would've voted otherwise would be you and probably some people who don't understand the two choices.
  12. 1. I meant 'under them' .. is that better? 2. Ok, I am sorry that you won't fix it so I can upload it. 3. That's not a problem, I would have set ghostmode on myself. 1. Yes, that's better. 2. There's nothing to fix. 3. Thanks. I play on maps all the time where there are rings (as checkpoints) at the top under a loop, yet they've somehow made it into the server... Also, if this map ends up getting uploaded, I'd love for this song to be bundled with it: http://www.2shared.c...e_Are_Many.html Okay, I've edited my map to include Bin's list of fixes. Here's the changelog for v1.1: 1) Changed the 2 rings (the ones under the loop) to regular checkpoints and moved them towards the beginning of the loop. 2) Moved the landing ramp for the first jump closer. 3) Turned ghostmode on. 4) Added music (music.mp3). I didn't know how to actually implement it into the map, so hopefully Bin can do that for me. 5) Followed the proper folder structure, I guess. Hopefully we're all good now? And I apologize for the triple-post. Also, the repair pickups will probably need to be placed, as I still haven't figure out how to add those. Okay, disregard v1.1. Here's v1.2: 1) Added repair pickups. 2) Rearranged all the nitro and repair pickups (except for the ones on the main straightaway). This one also includes the song that I'd like this map to have. Sorry for the quadruple-post. race-awesomecoaster.zip race-awesomecoaster.zip
  13. Thanks. Did you happen to add the orange things at the end of the race? I still can't find the object ID. Sorry no, I didn't find it necessary, and I also would rather you not put those orange balls. There seems to be a slight chance that because of the insane speed you get after you hit them that you may get banned for "warping" by the anti cheat. (The chance is slight, close to minimal indeed, but I've heard it happen once or twice) Then take my map off. I didn't think that the review process would be like the way Apple handles the App Store. In other words, it sucks. It's my map. I should be as creative as I'd like. All the rules and terms of conditions should've been put out there. I've seen other maps with them, yet they somehow made it into the server. If there are a bunch of little things that keep a map from getting into the server, or if there are little things that aren't recommended, then they should be made clear in some kind of post. Plus, it's more of a personal thing, based off of what you've just said. YOU don't find it necessary, yet it's my map, and I'd like it to be put in there (just like all the other maps that have orange things at the end).
  14. Here's my problem. I mean, we all know what maps are awesome and which ones aren't. With that in mind, it shouldn't be very hard to make a great map. My map editor has only given me one problem, where right when I tried to test a map, it would screw up with my .XML file and it would test some random map and I can't open my map, so I had to manually edit the .XML file. It's only done that once within the 10 hours that I've put into the map editor.
  15. Thanks. Did you happen to add the orange things at the end of the race? I still can't find the object ID.
  16. 1. They aren't on top of the loops... They're under them. 2. Yes it is... I've completed this map dozens of times. It'll probably take most people a few tries until they complete the first lap. 3. I thought I did, but I'll fix it.
  17. Well hopefully you can get the RCG figured out .
  18. I made a 10 minute video explaining how to use the roller coaster generator. It's a simple thing to use once you've played around with it for a while. I also make a little test roller coaster, that turned out being pretty decent. http://code.google.com/p/mtasa-resources-rcg/ PLEASE EXCUSE SONY VEGAS! For some reason, the first minute of the video is black, but the rest of it is perfect. Leave any of your comments/questions here.
  19. Really? It took about 10 minutes until I figured out how to do anything with it . I almost quit, but gave it a few more minutes, and BAM. Easy. If you're working on a map and want some roller coaster placement, I can do it for ya. Or I might just make a little tutorial... I hope an admin will add the repair markers and add it to the server. I really want to see what it's like with 20+ people on it.
  20. Here's my second map. I don't plan on making anymore for quite some time. I'm using the Roller Coaster Generator resource for MTA. It took about 30 minutes to get a good hold on how to use it. The map itself has 23 checkpoints and 40 spawnpoints, and a bunch of nitro pickups. It's roughly 2 minutes long, and is 2 laps around. It's pretty fun, and is a pretty good first attempt at a sky-coaster. Also, if an admin could add some repair pickups around the track, then that'd be great. Video: Hit up the attached .rar for the .map and .xml. race-awesomecoaster.rar
  21. My first attempt at an MTA map. Not too bad, considering it's just a basic map. I was going to add a wall full of those orange things at the very end (so that when people hit them with the dumper, they'll go flying all over the place), but I don't know the object ID and I don't want to spend hours looking through all 10,000 objects. So, maybe if an admin could do that for me, then that'd be great. I put up a vertical bridge, which is where I was going to put them all. Don't even ask how long this map took me, because I'll just tell you now: 2 hours... Video: See the attached .rar for the .map and .xml. race-funjump.rar
  22. Hehe. If it wasn't for my crappy spawn (like always) then you might have had some competition.
  23. "Embedding disabled by request". 1/10 just for trying. Where's Oh_noes when you need him? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1EHb92ZdMI
  24. I remember playing a race called "blue star lotus", and the song from that map was really perfect for some work that I needed to do. I can't find the map folder in my resources folder, nor can I seem to find the MP3 of it anywhere (I don't exactly remember how it went). I was wondering if an admin could send me the MP3 from that map.
  25. Oh... Oops. *fixed And I finally posted the video.
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