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Posts posted by besweeet

  1. Just now, RealJesus said:

    Also considering the amount of idiots disliking maps only because they're not good enough to complete it, or trolls disliking maps because they hate the authors or are messing around or whatever

    That's why I don't think number 2 is really a good option either. I think of the like / dislike system like a song rating system for your music library. It's all YMMV territory. Someone rating a song 1 out of 5 stars doesn't mean that song sucks.

    So y'all haters should grow a pair and deal with it. :wave:

  2. There have been some discussions recently about the vast amount of bad maps on both the mix and race servers (but mainly race). So, what should we do? Cast your vote in the poll for this thread. Keep in mind that whatever gets the most votes may still not be done at all, as it is up to those higher up than me to actually go through with it.

    Description of Options

    1. Remove ALL maps that have more dislikes than likes. This includes maps where they might just have a single dislike more than likes.
    2. Remove maps ONLY if they have a lot more dislikes than likes. To create a baseline /standard limit, we can look into creating a ratio of likes:dislikes based on the number of times a map was played.
    3. Deal with the bad maps. Like the poll said, life isn't fair, and neither are all game servers. If you come across a lot of maps that you don't like, then perhaps you can learn to play and deal with them like the other players instead of complaining in the chat or going AFK until the map is over.
    4. Other. If you have a different idea, then say so below.

    I personally voted for number 3. There are a number of maps that I've come across with more dislikes than likes that I actually liked, and I'd be disappointed if they ended up being deleted. And instead of crying and complaining about maps that are bad (which I admit that I have done every so often), I just deal with it and play through them with the others.

  3. 21 minutes ago, wooozie said:

    it was directed at both you and yoshi. and all ive learned from posting here, is that you two are not part of the solution. cya.

    You haven't even proposed a solution but have implied that you just want them all gone in one big batch. I've given multiple suggestions, one of which you could try right now (which was to deal with it and learn to play the maps like everyone else). 

  4. Just now, wooozie said:

    i just dont get why youre not bein any help in the issue. all you do is block any constructive cricism as butthurt. its pretty fuckin lame. if youd even spend any time on the server, youd see what im talkin about. but you dont.

    What do you want me to say? "Delete all the even remotely shitty maps just to shut wooziee the fuck up." Better? Is that what you want? Because that seems like what you want.

    I've been on the race server way more than mix lately, and I haven't seen much to make me come here and constantly complain.

  5. 1 minute ago, Cena said:

    No its not like that. Why would they bother if they can join any other "Race" server? The /like and /dislike are made for a reason and its to stay ingame and after you play a map you decide weather you like it or dislike it.

    You're also right -- there are multiple options. Like you said, maybe they go to another server. Or like I said, maybe they don't think the maps are bad enough to come here to register, but they still stay on a MGG server. In any case, not enough people are complaining, so...

  6. Just now, Cena said:

    Well, there a huge amount of active players ingame who didnt even register and those who register, they register for the stuff ingame (customizing cars,  locking nicks..etc). Many players never visit forums unless they had a question or reporting someone.

    Right, so maybe they don't think all the crappy maps are even enough of an issue to register here and bring it up.

  7. Just now, wooozie said:

    not its not my opinion. this isnt even a discussion. the server has too many stupid ass maps, and uploading more doesnt make it better. period.

    Currently, there are just three people (you, Megaz and neox) who are quite against the quality of maps. So, unless there are many more who are equally as annoyed, things probably won't change. Just continue reporting maps that you feel are bad, and describe detailed, meaningful issues that you were having.

  8. 1 minute ago, wooozie said:

    bla, the server was fun before. no need to flood it with shit, tryin to "improve" it. you guys either dont get it, or are super ignorant.

    So you're saying it's not fun now... You only care about tops anyway. Even on a good map, if you crash, you give up.

  9. 12 minutes ago, BlueYoshi97 said:

    Megas and Woozie, I made this clear to both of you before; we try to make the server fun for as many people as possible, not just for you two. Stop crying about every single thing that doesn't please you, it's not going to help because we aren't your babysitters.


  10. Just now, wooozie said:

    funny, pachanga maps are the good ones these days. and how many maps are basically shit on purpose, so the author can get a cheap top1?

    If they're that easy / crappy to where the author can get an easy top 1, then anybody should be able to set a top.

    I'm all for bitching and moaning, but it's a big enough issue. Learn to play the maps instead of AFK'ing instantly after crashing once.

  11. 1 minute ago, wooozie said:

    thats not the fuckin point. there are 2000+ maps on the server, yet it keeps gettin flooded with the same random shitty checkpoints maps. everyone who spends some time on the server knows there are too much of them, and it seriously reduces the quality of gameplay, when one map after the other was uploaded in the last 6 month and is the same shit.

    You could, you know... Deal with it and play them? Set new tops on those instead.

    I can understand if all of the maps were crappy Pachanga maps, but most aren't to that level of crappiness.

  12. 22 minutes ago, wooozie said:

    the argument still stands. why is everyone tryin to turn this into a joke server, uploading every fuckin shit map there is? i thought that stopped some time ago?

    Idea: Create a map testing server. Each week, all uploaded maps will be placed there. Rely on likes / dislikes to determine what should stay. If it's 50-50 (or a very close vote overall), then the decision should be placed in the hands of admins. Easy, fair, and should eliminate shitty maps from being uploaded to the public race / mix servers.

    On the note of shitty maps, maps with far more dislikes than likes should be up for deletion. BinSlayer once said that shitty maps must complement the good ones, which I never agreed with. Why deal with crap if you don't have to?

  13. 4 minutes ago, neox. said:

    and then stand there watching how many of the people you knew and you used to enjoy a lot playing with them were leaving

    That's why you be nice to the new players and get to know them :).

    I just see things differently but I find both servers to be as fun as they always are. Sure, some of the recent maps that have been added aren't that great, but there are still plenty of good ones.

    So: I like r0ck's idea of having a gamemode focus specifically on DM|Race maps in mix.

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