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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. 4/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbcwOHvoZbA
  2. im pretty sure ppl in the comunity who know coding, moddeling and the like would love to help out if manpowers a problem. unfourtunatley i have none of those skills. but as a case point garrys mod may not be new but look what monthly updating hase done to tf2, a few updates now and again would do the same for zs. Im not asking for some mas gamemode changing updates but atleast finish what you started and balance the classes/fix the obvious buggs.
  3. while i do agree that it is a challenge and can be the standard player can be easilly killed within 30 second of spawning this makes it frustratingly ragequitable and when they do it tends to hamper other players enjoyment. and you are correct i do know of 2 practical spots getting ppl there is another mater specialy when the zombie comes to gets you.
  4. Some days after that sentence he also promised an update this month. and the wait continues. its not that there aren't enough sugguestions theres not enough implimentation.
  5. um pufel u missed the edit button O_O but seriously vault is a terrible map nowhere to cade. The only camp spot is easilly rushed half the time it takes 1 zombie in a corridor to take out 6 people specially in a narrow corridor. caverns is borring you either run around all day trying to actually find some zombies to fight or you camp up on the huge cliff and instantly win if anyone has something better than a ump. harvest has many problems as its designed for zps the map triggers dont work meaning half the doors wont open. Theres nowhere to go and u end up on the balcony shooting at zombies from half the map away. please get rid of them pufel just to say that the word exploiting is a tad incorrect glitching is like using a movement to push yourself through a wall or puting a prop between 2 doors so it launches killing a person. Exploiting is using something to an unfair advantage i.e using a shelf to get up where you gain an unfair advantage like in the maps like in lighthouse
  6. i wonder what ... RM? whats that? rufies and marijuana
  7. cod cow must be put down ...
  8. Noobish or not, it works. not till deluvas does something about it !
  9. well this for eye candy http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=105298
  10. go down to st.athan in cardiff (nearest military base)get a l85 amo, map, clothes , ration packs, gass cooker, map etc (survival stuff) Id simply then find my nearest lighthouse (zombies dont like bright light i.e sun) Live there Fish in the day + find survivors and scavange use the radio to contact survivors+ army (all proper lighthouses should have a radio) Repopulate + vaccine/KILL ALL ZOMBIES and survive go down to st.athan in cardif (nearest military base)get a l85(gun) , amo, map, clothes , ration packs, gass cooker. Id simply then find my nearest lighthous (zombies dond like bright light. Live there Fish in the day + find survivors use the radio to contact survivors+ army (all proper lighthouses should have a radio. Repopulate + vaccine/KILL ALL ZOMBIES and survive
  11. theres no insentive on this server to camp`n`cade when rushing around the place can yield better resullts.
  12. slow runing speed. If your a medic helping your team in a good camping spot you don want to be punished for trying to stay alive then with a 2x drain rate as that would harm your team aswell as you Its the medic rushers who are the ones who dont play as a team so simply nerf their runing speed when there healing themselves or a 2x drain if your moving so they canot continously heal themselves.
  13. i changed my desktop to this :
  14. deathcore is a tad heavy for my taste but i do love the rif 7/10 um yeah this band was in farenheit /indego prophecy, brilliant game
  15. yes i will admit im a selfish update hore but hopefully after things get balanced people will be happy enough
  16. well i dont call 20 players on the server daily dead. Sure its gone downhill abit and many players dont play anymore or as often as they used to but im sure zs will perserveer. Afterall zombies never die and other zs servers suck in comparison to the amount of work gone into zs. It may be rough work but all we hve to do now is smooth out the edges !
  17. That would make the hammer 50% more useless. And it would be coding hell to code that. Meh, just giving out free ideas. I am sure it wouldn't be that hard to code although just like you said makes the hammer less useful but if you had the chance to either spawn with a hammer or cadekit then it would work better. my idea would be that you could use the nail cuns left click to un-nail the prop if you look at the nail also though if zombies mele the nail by looking directly at it the prop could be moveable ?
  18. I love pufelet and this topic O_O I also love op camp spots on zs And last but not least I love howler notrly
  19. lol i saw that post just now 1. Real name and age? Hi im Griffon (good luck finding my real name) and im 16 2. Where do you live? I live in wales in the town of pontardawe 3. Previous experince with communities and boards? Ive been on the l4g servers for about 2 years on and of but ony in the last month ive got on the forum. I play many different games and have been with many other comunities along the way. 4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job) Im growing up and experiencing life 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? Yes im in sixth form hopping to study Biology, Chemistry and I.C.T 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? welsh and random yet sensible 7. Anything else you wanna tell us? I like a good time and a laugh yet i know when its time to be serious
  20. Im aresting you on suspicion of sexual harassment. you have the right to remain sillent you do not have to say anything but what you do say may be used against you in a court of law ... Anything you say can- and will be used against you in the court of law. correction its different in different states and im from the uk so its entireley different!>_<
  21. you sir speak the truth but i would prefer the word advantage rather than own and thats what the balancing is trying to do. You have an advantage as zombie without being able to rape you in the first 3 min
  22. Im aresting you on suspicion of sexual harassment. you have the right to remain sillent you do not have to say anything but what you do say may be used against you in a court of law ...
  23. Holy shit where did you come from O_O . Cow choker <3 (TO keep ontopic: I agree with both points.) He's ignoring me but i have to agree with cow aswell. Medics are annoying. BBBBBUT zombine isn't really op like people say... he can't jump so shoot down i little cade and blam i have to disagree with you there. Zombine is not op (i never said that) but it needs to be more restrictive as its played as a rushing tank, they rush up to you/cade, tank the damage and blow up dealing damage. The damage itself is not the problem but the fact your always withing their range. This isnt a problem till u get about 3 zombines sprinting around the map blowing up in your face (potentialy killing you in 1 go). Sprint time of 3 seconds would make it much fairer as then you could at least try to outrun the zombine rather than being no point to outruning it (unless your a high lvl beserker) beacaus then atleast zombines would have a limited attack distance.
  24. hehe 8/10 just makes me wana play the game ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7jSig5_N3o (no im not a c&c fanboy (dont even own it)
  25. well heres my take on it well to sort issue #1 out i sugguest medics can only walk while healing or run at a reduced speed so zombies can catch up to them(makes sense really). This will stop anybody medic rushing as i call it to sort out issue #2 i think poison zombies shoulld get the 350hp that zombines have and give the 310hp to the zombines (poison zombies are meant to be the TANK not the zombines). Another thing would be to make the zombies have a limited sprinting time/stamina this will make zombine more tactical and not just a rush fest. like everyone else we just want it balanced so we can lvl again
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