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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. This is why we cant have NICE THINGS!
  2. For general video game news that I'm to lazy to look at specialist sites for i use the escapist. Otherwise i just skim through the news headlines on yahoo when i check my email.
  3. Griffon

    I'm back!

    Recognize the name but otherwise....
  4. If i can get sub 100 ping to america from Europe you can get sub 200 ping to the netherlands from whatever 2nd world country you live in.
  5. Griffon

    Xbox One

    -looks ugly -smart tvs do all in one better -skype is a terrible piece of software that i only use out of necessity - nobody gives a shit about social media integration -shit company -still have to pay for online -need a kinect permanently on -have to connect to live once a day - expensive peripherals - 360 peripherals dont work with new xbox - no backwards compatibility - still 10x less powefull than even my current laptop - 1000x worse then current end line gaming gaming Pc - not modular - cant update hardware - probably costs $500 new - tv integration for American tv ( THAT I GIVE 0 FUCKS ABOUT AND WONT EVEN GET ANYWAY) -(must wait and see for game exclusives) - locking cd content to 1 xbox - controllers are always shit in comparison to mouse - ill likely breake 9 times anything else that ive missed?
  6. 8/10, this song really has NMH signature on it. Currently one of my favorite SNS songs.Shame i cant get a better quality vid (but this is youtube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oESPVuGl9hc&list=PLETTKFAiChSuJTkzF9ZBHnnbzcpj9HhPP&index=103
  7. Loos my virginity duh. say -Nya after every sentence or sey -des after every sentence
  8. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Hmm animes that are Epic with large scale and character development? Trigun Ergo Proxy Claymore Berserk Eureka 7 (the good one, not the terrible new one) well those are the more mainstream ones that i could describe as epic. If you've seen all of those i could probably recommend some more obscure ones.
  9. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Fuck off, How about you get your shit out of our anime thread? Last time i checked there is no select topic in the shout box so if we make it anime you can go somewhere else you obnoxious kid.
  10. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Just got to episode 18 of Gungrave as recommended by the almighty Clavus. Its definitely worth a watch for any action fan. Its slow paced and quite old school win the way of story telling (think Trigun, Cowboy Beepop and needless)
  11. Well currently my background is rotating between 24 wallpapers of some of my favorite anime characters / Series. I'm having a hard time deciding which one to put up. Forgive the resolution I'm on a laptop. ( Yes i did finally upgrade to WIn7, thank god i avoided Vista)
  12. Your use of colourfull and creative language helps create a mature image and reinforces your highly detailed argument. /Sarcasm 1) How do you define maximum length/size? I could easily use a very short FLAC codec and still be under X length and vice versa i could have a really long low quality horn that would fit under X file size. 2) Who is going to moderate them? `Cause someone WILL make something inappropriate. 3)If get to choose what to upload as a custom horn whats to stop the server getting its memory filled with a load of horns? Everyone will want their own custom one. 4) If only admins get to upload them how will they know what horns will be liked/used by the players? They cant satisfy everyone without clogging up the server. 5) If there are to many custom horns to download wont that make ppl with slow internet less likely to join? Last i checked MTA was the kind of game you drop into for a blast then leave (or is it like track mania where it loads custom content after you join the server?) Sure if you charge GC for custom horns it would probably be a good idea money wise but is it really worth the effort to set it up?
  13. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Railgun 2nd series covers the sister arc but there seems to be some foreshadowing of one of the other arcs already (even though i don't knows as i haven't read the LN). Would be amazing to see if they pull it off right. So glad one of my favorite animes is back. I also have the Index movie to look forward to.
  14. Griffon

    Dark Souls 2

    I need to get back to my Dark soul and finish it. Got cursed in the sewers and cba to fight my way out to get my curse removed.
  15. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Just went a bit olschool all the way back to 2007 (damn thats 6 years ago) and watched Heroic Age. That's a pretty good space opera style anime, gave me a good nostalgia trip back to 2005 (holly shit 8 yeas ago) Crest/Banner of the Stars. @xeim hope The movie is as good as the original and not a let down like Robotics;Note
  16. Implying there was any abuse in the first case. I don't even play minecraft but last i checked its pretty much a dick move to accuse someone of abuse with 0 proof whatsoever. These minecraft kiddies need to start learning to quit whining and play the damn game.
  17. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Suisei no Gargantia is aparently written by the same guy who did madoka and fate zero should be very good if the first episode is anything to go by. The 2nd series of nyaruko-san will also keep me entertained. Will probably take a look at Shingeki no Kyojin as you guys seem to give it decent praise. Looks like this season is starting of well.
  18. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Maybe it was FLCL, its a 6 episode OVA the rest are 13 episodes or more.
  19. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Seen tempest, Its definitely worth a look into. There isnt much similar to Black Rock Shooter but in terms of Sci-Fi ,Drama and action(without knowing what you've seen). Gunslinger_Girl Yumekui Merry Ga-Rei:Zero FLCL Texnolyze Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica (not really sci-fi/action but it has its similarities with Black Rock Shooter)
  20. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Tv series or the OVA? The Tv series slaughtered the OVA in terms of story.
  21. Gratz, 1 minute b4 deadline.
  22. just once he wanted to be a tortoise but no... You all label him as a turtle. Have you no shame?
  23. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Ughh so desperate right now... I have 13 animes that run out in 3 episodes or less. Ive even started watching some of the more standard/uninspired anime out there and i've already caught up with the current releases. I have even resorted to watching Hayate no Gotoku and im 48 episodes through. I would take whatever i can find but i would really appreciate any higher grade stuff that i may have overlooked. Bakuman is probably the only previous suggestion i have still yet to look into.
  24. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Fairy tail end March 30 for those who care about fairy tail http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=565439
  25. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Just watched Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki. Damn that was a good one, its up there with the best of them.
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