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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. neither am i xD (SRRY 4 BREAKING FORMAT just rate the song above )
  2. ewww 3/10 Thats like 50 genre`s away from my taste in music, no offence next? a good christian rock band!? OMGWTFBBQ!!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOJee120Po8
  3. Damit i knew somebody would say that !
  4. besides theres a problem ai wont know what to do if theres a cade in the way the ai crabs will simply pile up and make lagg for those with bad pc etc (not me xD) I like pufelets ideas but i found it anoying on ther servers where a zombie turns into a torso zombie and idk if i died or respawned and then i wat and see and get killed its anoying and this could easiy happen to the headcrab idea so i think it would be best to keep it the way it is
  5. 8/10 my type of music
  6. Griffon

    ZS ideas

    post this stuff HERE
  7. back on topic my desktop btw neverwinter nights is epic
  8. ive been watching most stuff on the escapist awhille now and Doralingus(quote) and asociates is one of the best web comics on the site
  9. make the shotgun at 70Kill and Saw at 50 i think. Add more weapons and make it harder to get weapons. Makes people want to survive more than just go around rampaging with about 7 people with shotguns. Yes i see many beserkers leeroying for the chance of a fast shotgun over survial especially when theres less than 16 players in a small map there needs to be more focus on zombie SURVIVAL and not "zombie hunt"!
  10. Best- would be orangebox,gmod,l4d2 and finally css just to get rid of all the purple and black 1st stalker + 2nd borrowed from a freind +3rd pirated meh - Global agenda beacause it really wasnt worth £26 but its still good if you manage to get 4 freinds to PvE. also the new free roam areas are fun worst- was spore fun but i quickly used the 3 installs up and i cba to use customer support to get it fixed
  11. Well it was pretty quiet about 7pm gmt and this happend on port (attached pic) well i dont know what this is or who did it but text started coming up on screen im confused what do you guys think
  12. well i got to give them (and you) credit although its not exactly a song now is it? on that basis 7/10 5 skill , 2 effort and u lost 3 points for not being a song to get back on track dont judge befor u listen
  13. umm http://www.escapistmagazine.com/ and this http://roosterteeth.com/home.php
  14. Hi im 3 posts late but hey this topic is well hidden hi im Griffon as you can see by my sigg
  15. well the problem with headcrabs not dying is simply due to the fact that shotgun fire a spread of pellets on a large surface this is ideal for killing big zombies but tring to hit a small flat`ish surface with a spread weapon doesnt work so u dont get so much bang for your buck. If you shot at them with a very short burst from a saw they would be dead. But yes perhaps 25 is a tad much but it was only a rough figure. All im thinking about is simply creating a balanced more rounded game were all classes have there unique uses as many classes are underplayed or underpowerd and im simply trying to fix this on a side note i know the assist/kill reward isnt working as normall but i do have an idea its anoying to see so much kill stealing i hav invested an entire clip of ammo in killing a zombie buts whats the point when some fast triggerd tmp wielder steals a kill at the last second I think if we were to break it down to the person who kills(last to damage the zombie) it and the person who does the most damage as zombies get 2 score per kill why not humans? 1 point for doing most damage and one point for killing a zombie this will allow a more even distibution of kills while actually there still being a point to shoting at a zombie freinds have been shoting at for 5 seconds before you
  16. is allways watching waiting for weakness

  17. stiring yet very good 8/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGuhjNWi-S8
  18. Well i have been here in the shadows awhile but i thought i might as well post for once Firstly id like to say hi to all ive met on the server and to all the forum My main ideas are for balancing Firstly the difficulty rating should increase with time and not by amount of players as zombies as thats just making in twice as hard as more dmg+more zombies= harder isnt it more reasonable for those who have survived most of the round to actually be pushed to there limits as even one hit could be fatal? Also on this note zombies should be unlocked with more players as more mass of horde should equal more variety these two changes make it easier for the more casuall players and more intnse and rewarding for those who survived the most Secondly my problem is with some of the weapons i find this a problem when im playing and im using my glock 3 instead of my m4 irl 3pistol fired in a burst would do less damage than 2 roundds from any assault rifle. I have unloaded an entire clip into a normall zombie and not got a kill and then i fire my glock 4 times to another normall zombie and get a kill My suguestion would be to increase damage to the higher end weaponds of each type p90,ak,famas,m4, simply speaking you get from supply crate or otherwise the weapons your class is proficient at A comando at 25 kills is more likelly to unlock a higher end assault rifle as its his speciality. compared to a support who at 25 kill is likely to unlock a p90 over an m4. if you increased the dmg of the higher end weapons a support with a p90 is as well of as a commando with a famas beserkers get prefrence for mele weapons and magnums and such,while engi get a higher chance at hl2 shotty comon weapons like the mp5 should be obtainable by any class but the higher end weapons should be unobtainable before say 8:00min left in round or require a higher score to get example timeline(may seem harsh but class specific weapons should have higher damage) Start > 5 > 15 > 25 > 45 > 60 > 75 usp better pistol Smg or magnum better smg class specific upgrade best weapons Shotties okay class specific problems beserker was op change beserker to survivor increased dmg in mele and sniper rifles so basicaly your shoting or meleing as he shouldnt have anyting better than a magnum (no g3 for him) comando is fine although assault rifles are underpowerd medic is fine but improve spitt/poison on the pcrab but then give the meidic like 3 antidotes that instantly cure poison (healing should reduce the effect but not stop it untill its done a good 20 dmg maybe 50 if not healed so a medic even without antidote does a big difrence but poison would distract medic s from other players support has smg + nailing skills but perhaps gets an ability to deploy a mini suplly crate (with no health though) but only once in the entire round as anymore than that would lead to spam engi is fine with c4 + turret if it gets put back in normall zombies fine ethereals are fine howlers arent op anymore but ber haps increae their damage but make it so their extremly short sighted and must be stationary to howl howlers alt fire should be a mini howl that does no damage but allows it to see for a breif 2 sec period a sort of echolocation poison headcrabs a tad weak (see medic sugguestion ) headcrabs very underpowerd/underused maybe add a 25dmg crit if they headshot (very hard onmoving human) this should encourage players to think outside the box attack from above. zombines a tad overpowerd and a stamina bar as alli see is zombines constanly running they might as well be on autosprint thanks for reading hope you like my ideas (and maybe use some) if you want any clarification just ask yes i know i probably have some typos but i type really fast xD
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