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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by eL_AsS

  1. eL_AsS

    Map Event

    [SH] gk only
  2. eL_AsS


    Yes i remember Demolition Derby from FO2, its a great game. But i don't think it could be implemented in MTA as the engine plays huge role in how cars behave as u can't really script that at all. In San Andreas it looks very poor compared to FlatOut where crashing into each other is very effective and is also fun while in SA it looks more like 2 child crashing into each other in shopping carts and is not really fun. But the idea is good, maybe new gamemode where main goal is to eliminate other racers while racing to the finish. With no respawns and ppl should be rewarded for dealing damage to others more than finishing the race, because it would be just another race mode. It would of course require specific maps and a lot of scripting, give vehicles more durabilty because they seem to be made of out carton and get destroyed too easily, and whatnot.
  3. Will the discord badge be named: MrGreen Official Farter Number 1 ? If somehow i get on the top3 willl i receive any gcs? Cena pls How are points counted? First 3/5 finishers get points or everyone who finish? EDIT: MAP: ThroughSnap I PAID GC
  4. @AKEN0 I dont call u by gamemodes, i dont care what u play. It was a videogame quote reference. But if u are so pro, why didn't u win alone 1v5 instead of crying and having butthurt now.
  5. Let akeno have his fun, let him play his childish little sh games with his friends and just wait for the right moment to swoop in and take it all.
  6. yes thank you for losing, we appreaciate it ^^
  7. Declined
  8. Accepted!
  9. Clearly TH lost because Ulas didn't play, shame.
  10. Does it really affect performance? I mean its vanilla gtasa and probably any custom scripts affects it more than this. + It looks ugly, so my vote is no
  11. Run away while u still can
  12. Wow noob, its at-400
  13. Clan name: Assist Of Skills Clan creation date: 100 years ago Where do you want the tag/role?(Discord or Forums. You can request both): both How many members are in your clan?: idk ~15 Members you want us to give them the role/tag: @assntitties @RNQ @Maina @YeItsMe @Mahany @ravi26 @HITMAN25 @Forzet @Civan @Twixy @myr +more idk forum names DC: Mars3o#1690 Forzet#2691 CivanKirmizi#8416 HITMAN#9640 maina#2986 certifiedsoab#8467 RNQv17#9561 Cristiヅ#1716 kαмı.c#9815 YeBuddyy#3195 MYR3uK#2365 Raffaell(mute30days)#1448 RaY29rus#1123 What color do you want for your clan role in discord?: #878787
  14. eL_AsS


    I dont understand? whats point of this. Ye, winning streak makes more sense^ give more gc if u keep winning
  15. lol @wujek6233 "Jebane dzień SH"
  16. eL_AsS


    + ban venomous
  17. No albo 2, wtedy akurat 8 chyba by było. Wiecej teamow to by sie dluzej pograło. Chociaz niby czas do jutra tylko mają, chyba że Cena przedłuży
  18. Moze i tak, ale niektórym trudniej jest ogarnąc nowy team i latwiej na rezerwy do kogos dolaczyc. A potem niema kto grac bo zadnej organizacji niema w tych teamach
  19. No any race team? wheres team yoshi
  20. I thought u would wanted us to make it harder to edit for us, so we don't switch members later on
  21. Assist Of Skills Ass paid 2,000 GCs Forzet paid 2,000 GCs Hitman paid 2,000 GCs Civan paid 2,000 GCs YeBuddyy paid 2,000 GCs Ray29rus paid 2,000 GCs RNQ paid 2,000 GCs LeroyJenkins paid 2,000 GCs ravi26 paid 2,000 GCs Kami paid 2,000 GCs @Cena edited it again, hope its now easier for u xd bcs it was annoying to edit for me lol
  22. @Cena Increase subsitute player amount from 2 to 5 on next cw, because this limit is too small and unnecessary if u want to let everyone from ur team play on cw.
  23. You dumdum, can't you read? All are on list in the first post. I think you just want to be aos hater n.#1
  24. Everyone block and ram a little
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