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Mr. Green Gaming


Server Admins
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Everything posted by Witchy

  1. Group 6 aaaaa
  2. Hmm
  3. who you are, I do not know you
  4. Auuuu
  5. Create group 6 awawawa
  6. Aww
  7. Auuu
  8. Witcher
  9. Good Luck
  10. GL xD
  11. GL Babye
  12. Good Luck
  13. @Laca I do not know if you saw but I applied before Civan got in; p
  14. Gameserver:Mix Age:22 Country of origin:Poland Link to Steam Community profile *:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198835739951 Discord name **: Wiedzmins#3210 Ingame name:~Witcher~ Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be moderator: Hey, my name is Szymon.I'm 22 years old and I live in Poland. He works as a mechanic.I'm interested in sport, Rap music and computer games. In volleyball, I'm learning to play the guitar. On the server I started to play in 2016 on and off, I met a lot of great people with whom I have a good time and I stayed for longer. I want to become a moderator because I play very often at different times, when I enter the game there is often no administration or afk. Then the player is challenged and no one can control it. That's why I decided that it's worth trying as a moderator. I will do everything in my power to make the server have a nice atmosphere and the players have a nice time on the server. My English is a bit weak, I'm sorry. Sincerely, Witcher
  15. No rules
  16. we are the rammers
  17. Dubby i co teraz kiedy losowa mapa cD
  18. Ja pierdyle xD
  19. wow xD 3
  20. no to gramy ze sobą XD
  21. @Dubby wy jeszcze gracie jakieś cw ? daj no tabele ;d
  22. will there be a random draw who will play with whom in 1/4?
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