First Image 1st Line: Well bad they are pieces of trash 2nd Line: Peruvian Gays 3rd Line: Black Stupid 4th Line: Meme of Shit Azteca indio (He says to me) 5th Line :Gay Peruvian you suck Second Image 1st Line: Bye Peruvians Trash They will be traumatized Read this before replying next time: Good luck. unneccesary posts as usual by Darkness
it looks cool, but is it like virtual boy were you can only like have it on for less then an hour or two. Too me its a big deal cause i wanna sit for a long time and play and not sit for like 30-60 min and then go away.
Fixed it. we didnt cheat the lingor server had like 300+ vehicles and there was this huge plane we fixed in an airport, and we thought it would be funny to ram someone with it.
I don't get what you mean by a fetish for animal porn ... what kind of anime do you watch ? he probably watch words worth a hentai with a horse man, i cant stop laughing at that hentai its funny as fuck