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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sneed

  1. 5/10
  2. 1/10 enought sucky dubstep
  3. I don't know what the point of this was but seriously stop acting like a dick. Make your own sword thread if you want to boast Uh. Now show me the post where I started to act like a dick, please. You just qouted it
  4. why u don't make a paypal account and put your 10euro on that. than u can donate. cause not evryone will do or wants to do that same as my parents >_< they dont trust it >_< >_< okay, they dont trust a billion dollar company Makes sense
  5. Sneed

    Day Z

    indeed, something is seriously wrong with my DayZ ( or i am REALLY unlucky ) everytime i logg out it can be anywhere i have to restart my character from the beginning. Its so annoying and pointless for me to play because you join PRIVATE HIVES! Blacklisted servers, where everything is saved LOCALLY. Wow, really? that sucks. I had no idea.
  6. Sneed

    Day Z

    indeed, something is seriously wrong with my DayZ ( or i am REALLY unlucky ) everytime i logg out it can be anywhere i have to restart my character from the beginning. Its so annoying and pointless for me to play
  7. Forgive me if I forget something, but how are new player supposed to get out of the spawn? was wondering the same
  8. Who cares, really?
  9. holy poop cant hear you and its out of sync i'd say you redo the video
  10. I think he have a couch to sit on like infront of the speakers to enjoy the music if he sits on the computer while blasting with those speakers the sound will sound very weird
  11. Sneed

    The WarZ

    the pics looks cool but to me the zombies looks like something from a 2004 game D:
  12. 8/10
  13. heres is mine, Final Rape Dawn of Rape Batman Rape City Arma 2 combined Rape
  14. 1:45 Soldier disappears
  15. yupp
  16. 3/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsUshDQOh0U&feature=relmfu
  17. 4/10
  18. 0/10 no
  19. 1/10
  20. Happy Birthday mate
  21. 3/10 no vocals = good song no vocals in this song its amazing
  22. Sneed


    still in the wrong section and..
  23. Sneed

    Day Z

    MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL!!!! What, there are people who can't get Monty Python references? I was wondering the same.
  24. Sneed

    LRG Base

    Why ask this? Let the man spend his like he wants to
  25. Sneed

    Nice Drag

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