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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Sneed

  1. Watch out, we got a badass over here!

    Your enchantment is shit.

    Discord had lots of better swords 1-2 maps ago I remember.

    Shaprness III was the lowest enchantement we carried, and stuff like Sharpness V, fire aspect IV and other were most common for us.

    So yeah... you suck :>

    I don't know what the point of this was but seriously stop acting like a dick.

    Make your own sword thread if you want to boast


    Now show me the post where I started to act like a dick, please.

    You just qouted it

  2. Hello, i started this topic because of i wanted to donate 10euro's but the method that is required just doesnt fit in my requirements, and i think alot of people have this problem that they just cant do paypal. Ur missing out on alot of donations and i would ask to evryone who reads this topic to vote on the poll if u want or not want more methods to donate to these awsome guys that keep these servers a life!!


    why u don't make a paypal account and put your 10euro on that.

    than u can donate.

    cause not evryone will do or wants to do that same as my parents >_< :(

    they dont trust it >_< >_<

    okay, they dont trust a billion dollar company :V

    Makes sense

  3. Derp. Yeah. I should quit DayZ for a while until it's playable again.

    indeed, something is seriously wrong with my DayZ ( or i am REALLY unlucky ) everytime i logg out it can be anywhere i have to restart my character from the beginning.

    Its so annoying and pointless for me to play

    because you join PRIVATE HIVES!

    Blacklisted servers, where everything is saved LOCALLY.

    Wow, really? that sucks. I had no idea.

  4. Derp. Yeah. I should quit DayZ for a while until it's playable again.

    indeed, something is seriously wrong with my DayZ ( or i am REALLY unlucky ) everytime i logg out it can be anywhere i have to restart my character from the beginning.

    Its so annoying and pointless for me to play

  5. Denied.

    1. There is a way out of spawn using the teleporters. People are not trapped inside.

    2. You're probably using lame tricks to get back to spawn because we do not support a "back to spawn"-feature.

    Just because you want something doesnt mean you'll get it.

    Please provide some better arguments and i might think it over again. Note: being lazy is not an argument.

    Forgive me if I forget something, but how are new player supposed to get out of the spawn?

    was wondering the same

  6. Cookie for those who get the reference. :V


    What, there are people who can't get Monty Python references?

    I was wondering the same.

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