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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by PresidentOkan

  1. problem ne problemi yaz. niye ban yedin? haksız yere ban yediğini düşünüyosan adam akıllı topic açsaydın ona göre muamele alırdın. ddos'a karşı önlem almak çok zor değil sabaha düzeltirler şu an uğraştıklarını düşünmüyorum.
  2. demek ki umrunda ve bu sebeple saatlerdir ddos ile uğraşıyosun. madem umrunda değil git başka servera oyun mu kalmadı?
  3. ddos atarak banını kaldırtabileceğini mi düşünüyorsun gerçekten adminlere? öyleyse sana söyleyeyim banın açılacak olsaydı bile artık hiçbir şekilde açmazlar, geçmiş olsun.
  4. he is probably the same guy and this account must have been created freshly to hide his identity, serial ban him. kimimben = who am i (in turkish)
  5. around 9pm BST server got crashed. player called Kaderebak typed "do you want me to hack the server?" in turkish (you can check the logs) and suddenly 10 secs later everyone got kicked from the server and connection to server was completely lost. i think he might have ddos'd the server but idk, you should ban him if he has any connection to the issue after researching. FYI
  6. don't just mute him by 1 hour/1 day. mute him for like 6 months-1 year because this dog is a known racist and blocker in race server. this is not the first occurrence you can check his logs i ain't going through that shit and translating again. and make sure you mute this random pole as well for like 1 hour or something. this opposition kid always blocks people and talks trash/racist, insults always. stop muting people like this for 1 hour and locking this topic. his punishment should be way more so other people deter from doing this shit. ps: he also blocked me and others but i didn't get footage but idc if you mark him as blocker or not, just mute him
  7. lagger mark is determined by your ping in this server and believe me i know what's the difference between LAG and PING. the issue i was talking about is directly about people who have CONSTANT ping above 200-250, not people who might have low ping but also low consistency. now i don't want to sound racist but i have also seen countless polish players with 60-70 ping and they were extremely lagged with same stuff so by that you should understand that it's not about nation, if i talk about inconsistency problems in ping it's a whole different story, you got my point wrong, it's about non-european players. hard to believe you had better experience with people with 250 ping because that literally defies logic and how internet works so i'm sorry i'm not going to side you with that one. you reply is biased because you are so also a pole so i get it. of course lowering the threshold won't affect issues about players with unstable connection still, but it would fix the issue with non-european players. it has nothing to do with turkish players or polish players.
  8. don't know if you can read and acknowledge english but it literally says replaying every single map. yet your example is me buying 1 single map maximum 5-6 times here and there (no problem with map buying also, anyone can buy anything. it's not the main concern here but i get it you don't wanna understand) when nobody is around so i don't bother anyone. and please research more and show me begging for replay votes. i don't call 10 of my friends in the server and make them vote "play again" every single map. if you have trouble fathoming this, here i repeat again; EVERY SINGLE MAP WHERE YOU WANT TOP TIMES. i know it's hard to understand english and common sense when you devote your whole brain to memorizing a game. please reply and suggest logical arguments or stay quiet. i don't really understand you poles you either ignore the main point completely or put up arguments that are not even related to the my argument. funny nation i love it
  9. i'm going to discuss 2 issues that directly catches my eye, let's get straight to the point; 1. LAGGERS there are so many players from regions such as south america, eastern asia, australia, etc. and they all have constant pings above ~200 (because of their distance to the server obviously). yet they are never marked as laggers if they don't reach pings like 300-400 (which doesn't help because they are on around 200 ping %90 of the time) when i'm racing against someone that has that much ping i always get in carnage and get spun or vice versa. i see them differently position wise on my screen so do they. this can be fixed with maybe dividing players into high/low ping groups and making them not interfering with each other. but i have a better and easier solution. MY SUGGESTION: reduce the [LAGGER] mark threshold to around 100-150 2. VOTE MANIPULATORS this is a common issue in the server, people manipulating the map votes with their team/nation. this problem is usually caused by polish players but occasionally some other clans/nations do this also, and it should get fixed. because every map is getting played 3 times just because bunch of no lifers want top scores on every single map. i just witnessed a polish tryhard clan or whatever use the server like a training/cw server and it really proved to me that it's a big problem. a clan should never be able to dominate a casual server's player count and replay every map in order to get top times. (THIS ALSO INCLUDES BUYING MAPS AND REPLAYING IT 3 TIMES) they should get a server themselves and go replay maps there, this server is not a training/cw server. most people enjoy playing different maps as much as possible because they don't get to play this game too much and joining to something like this may put off new players. this issue can be fixed by maybe putting a price on "play again" vote, like 50-100gc (similar to map buying). i don't know how would you handle mass voting by players in the same team, i haven't thought anything logical about that so you can suggest below. MY SUGGESTION: remove play again option completely (or reduce to only once) and increase the map buying price
  10. Ingame Name: Okan Map 1 - race-dd feeling
  11. ps: i was muted by him for insult while i was typing these (like i fucking care), let's see what warning he gets (he won't get any, no surprise) --- kash blocks = zzz... kash speaks polish in general chat = zzz... kash speaks racist = zzz... when i block him in counter = *in 5 seconds* you have been marked as a blocker by hardballsuckerz (note that he is polish also) (no mark to kash) literally he is watching me and waiting me to lose my cool and block in reply to his blocks, then immediately marks as a blocker. like a trap when i confront kash, his response = "send video proof" (like i'm recording like a psych), "i'm not blocking, ramming is allowed" (like he is fucking deciding if it's blocking or ramming, this shit is pure comedy for me, i'm enjoying it) when i tell him to do the same = "i don't need video proof" (yeah he doesn't, because he holds all power within his stupid corrupt mod friends) yeah, i didn't really have hope or someshit look at the people who you give authority to, a1 english at most. fucking disgrace. note: i don't have screens of earlier talk, i hope he has taken screenshots as he told me i really want them there too conclusion: 90% of your mods, etc. are dogshit, retards, and racists. if i get treated like this, i also hold rights to insult your stupid mods. if rules only apply to certain people then there are no rules for me. i don't give a shit. bonus (out of context): earlier today A MOD warned some people to not speak languages other than english in main chat and all kash did was laugh at it. I KNOW THIS WON'T CHANGE SHIT BUT I'M POSTING IT HERE SO PEOPLE CAN SEE NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN 2 YEARS SINCE MY LAST POSTS ON THIS FORUM
  12. okan race-dd feeling
  13. this video only contains the parts i managed to capture, there's a lot more. let's see if he escapes with only "1 hour" mark again
  14. i've seen him before and can confirm that he is already registered
  15. posting this because he is really triggered by me reporting him here earlier, so i will do it again wonder what's next, i think i will get muted by him next time because of reason: because i wanted to abusing powers and trying to show off by typing "report section is always open son" interesting words from a 19 year old skinny boy. i wonder what excuse you will find now to justify his actions this is getting funnier and funnier, lmao a simple example why you don't give authority to a random no namer from bahrain update: he just blocked dogan and this is what happened how immature is this kid, jesus
  16. he is already banned but putting this up just because Abrahax requested for it
  17. you think i didn't try being nice? unfortunately being nice doesn't work around mrgreengaming. i get your points, you know i get them too. but not everyone is on the same iq level. when you can't explain something to a "person", (i wouldn't even call them person because they just have brains, they don't use it) you have to use this kind of language. it's a little disappointing but i can cope with it and have no problem. but you're missing crucial points by just saying blabla toxic this and toxic that. this shit is not that simple i'm afraid. this is not all about blocking issues, this is about mods not doing their jobs, not preventing toxicity etc. and the blockings i'm talking about are not racing incidents, i don't give a fuck if i can't overtake someone, i quiet enjoy close quarter battles and i'm okay with it. but these people are deliberately slowing down and blocking you, because they know people like you will say "ahh it's just a racing incident, nothing new, just move on" it's not instinctive, they do it on purpose. i don't even think i need to elaborate on the topic about insulting and racism around this server, you can experience by yourself in game. so, THOSE people in this community are making other people toxic, i'm not a toxic person for everyone. i could just say "fuck you cby, fuck your opinions you hungarian bs kid" but i actually care about your response and try to evaluate it. i behave according to the person i encounter. i try being nice, but if it doesn't work i will retaliate and i don't care a bit. look at you, not even a admin/mod, giving your opinion about this major issue (i accept all feedback) but i see cena just giving a reaction to your comment, not even bothering replying or trying to solve the issue. because he doesn't care. they all don't care. when these issues occur to them they will just use their powers and solve it for themselves. you NEED to do it for community aswell. if you are a mod, it is your RESPONSIBILITY to look at these issues. all they nowadays do is race and chat. because they only care about the [Mod] tag in front of their nicknames.
  18. i planned on doing a huge rant about the issues on this server months ago but i couldn't be arsed please forgive me for calling this autist kid from bahrain monkey but it's pretty much the only way i can describe him this dumb arab monkey is online all day and mutes me for insulting blockers but doesn't do anything about the blockers instead (i literally got blocked by a random polish guest user 10 maps in a row, i warned him to not block me many times before actually insulting and there is 2 mods online while all of this shit is happening, andrex and haxardous, they are just sitting there chit chatting and trying hard to win a map) is this how you hire mods these days? big note: he only muted me because i told him to stop blocking (yes, haxardous, a blocker mod, are you surprised? i'm not) earlier so he is triggered cause i confronted him now he feels like he should show his "authority" and mute me so he can fill his satisfaction please include iq tests in your mod applications i don't care if i get muted 10 hours, you aren't doing anything about the main issues in the server all you do is race for tops spam 2222 then stay afk when you fail 0 dignity in your mod/admin team please grow the fuck up and solve problems in the server instead of changing top 8 to top 10 fucking useless i don't care how many punishments i get, i will continue to express myself the way i like to and i will fight with morons like him and many other already existent in the server each day i get many racist insults from other people but nobody mutes them (except Abrahax, huge props to him, he is the ONLY mod i saw doing some cleaning about this issue) please understand my point, many of your mods are just trying to become mods for their imaginary virtual status which they care about so much otherwise they would die from sadness
  19. I don't think it's related to respecting South American people. If you have a high ping wherever you live, you should get marked as a lagger. Simple as that. Not other players' problem.
  20. About the blocking part: I'm afraid I have to disagree with you. By the way, I don't approve bitch's actions and he should get marked as a blocker. Other than that, many players from South America are pretty much immune to blocking since you all have 200+ ping. And yet you aren't marked as laggers, which is a big issue about the server. I got blocked and my races got ruined just because some random Argentine & Brazilian people crashed into me. Maybe you don't see on your screen because of lag but you ram into other pingless people while turning corners or even just driving on a straight road.
  21. Bump. I don't know if any action was taken against Leon or not but seems this topic has flown under the radar. I saw Leon insult Patya constantly aswell and it's not just for fun and banter. He pretty much does it everytime I see both Patya and him online. Don't know the beef between them but I never saw Patya retaliating. We need harsher punishments than just muting for a limited period of time. If someone continues the same behaviour they should get serial banned from the server.
  22. Of course not, as I said above. Actually this is what I want to see, people sharing their opinions more like you instead of chit chat. You can disagree with me that's not a problem. Thanks for your feedback.
  23. Everyone knows what Kash is like. Pretty disappointed by your immature response I have to say. I'm not a paparazzi screenshotting or capturing everything and I don't need to do that. I'm just expressing my opinions. Kash is a well known blocker and flamer. He even threatens people because he thinks he is untouchable. He even said to me after I told him to not block me very politely and he just responded by saying "yeah go on report me, what's gonna happen" "cmon report me" "you want a war?". Matter of fact, you don't even play race you're just online on forums. Maybe you play mix too I don't know, both irrelevant. How are you supposed to know what's going on in race? Just pointing the finger to me and saying that "if you don't have proof you're wrong" is delusional. Yeah I agree with your point. Everyone has their bad/good days. I still think he needs to improve. I don't actually know if you're trolling or not but I didn't even mention anything about "failing" something. Your fails don't bother anyone else and yes, it doesn't need to be you, anybody constantly hitting someone is a negative nonetheless. I did also talk about other things, not just blocking. Maybe take the criticism a little serious and try to learn from your mistakes.
  24. I'm Okan. I'd talk more about the issues about the server now but it's not the right topic. I will add more to my first post. I may have been little harsh about your appeal but I tried to give my honest opinions about you because as I said, I'm not seeing any positive/feedback about your personality above. I've seen nothing but hate from you since you first rammed me and blamed me for being slow. Even if you dislike someone you need to respect them both in-game and outside the game. I have shown you respect by criticizing you very seriously and I always try to race fair in the game. Maybe you will change and behave good, that's your choice, I can't do anything about it. I only mess with the people who mess with me in the first place. I don't randomly go full retard on somebody. This is because the penalties are very poor and biased in this server. Nobody gets punished for their actions. If you are friends with some admins/mods, it's easy life. Best example I can give is Kash. PS: Maybe you will learn something from this topic too, Mosh.
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