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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Hi, ([email protected])

    I wish we make use of this great opportunity of friendly. How are you;work,health and life over there?. My name is Grace,am a girl,single never marry. I went across your profile today on (/forums.left4green.com). I found intrest on you,i wish to know you more.i made up my mind and decided to left this message of proposal to you. I really believe we can move.

  2. :/ i called him up , he says sorry.
  3. facepalm* im never lending my account to my friend again
  4. I don't suspect you. I KNOW you did it. Wait...Steal what?
  5. For some reason i got banned from the Minecraft Server. Deathsongx3 was banned from the server because he's a thief. His place in Sand Central is being looted right now. How long had he been whitelisted? If it's been a while, potentially he could be *the* thief. Hundred2 : we just blew up his house It was my idea :3 I've suspected several thieves, Had some stuff go missing from Turnip Town too May I ask how did you catch him? Magic. Can i please get an unban? Name : Deathsongx3 Date of Ban : Today , January 07 , 2011 Reason i got Banned : ' Suspected Theif and Griefer? ' If i could kindly get an unban?
  6. i see what you did there i didnt steal anything. why does everyone suspect me?
  7. Because of my Best friend too we play minecraft together. Dont worry , he doesnt grief
  8. Says here if you wanna build you need to be on the whitelist? my best friend and i go on left 4 green and would like to be on the whitelist <: -Deathsongx3 -ajl1995 Thanks
  9. Sorry for Bumping too xD Deathsongx3 for me ajl1995 for my buddy
  10. Can anyone buy me minecraft? I'm poor and sad Can anyone buy me a gift code? <:
  11. Frosites . Too expensive Cookie Crisp . Too Expensive
  12. Bring back Barricade Kits! /cry
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