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Mr. Green Gaming

Captain Garm

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About Captain Garm

  • Birthday 12/17/1993

Contact Methods

  • Steam

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Captain Garm's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. If there's still space I'm there
  2. Fixed. (A) What ever happened to listening to music because of how it sounds?
  3. My entry: If you don't know what it is shame on you. Would have added more but the amount of props crashed gmod.
  4. Gameserver: Counter-Strike: Source Age: 15 (17.12.93) Country of origin: England Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: My name in real life is Kieran and I've being playing on the server for around 8-ish months. I played on the Zombie Server around the beginning of 2008 but eventually migrated to the surf server due to my computer being crap. I know most of the regulars to the server and know which people are likely to cause trouble. I'm not really one of the best players on the server (curse you console gaming) but I am an active player on it. I'm a huge nerd, which as far as you guys are concerned is a good thing. I'd like to be an admin on the server because currently there is only one on the server and he can't be on it all the time. Also I'd like to see myself as a fair person and wouldn't act upon personal feelings. I don't take the game super serious and flame everybody nearby every time I die. Not the best at this application business but I gave it my best shot and looking forward to a reply
  5. oh right. fair enough
  6. whaaa? you never mentioned the game unless im missing something
  7. its fable. relatively sure i was right so ill post a new one [mp3]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pKf_O04NV4[/mp3]
  8. It's even funnier when you've played gears of war
  9. Quick, hide my ping.
  10. I sent you that bitch
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