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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ruff

  1. Ruff


    Yes. I find Terraria a lot better than Minecraft though. But nothing beats GMod. My point is.. there are not that many options for expanding. For example in GMod you can build a huge robot and showcase it to a lot of communities. In Terraria the only thing you could possibly showcase is your home. Plus after you finish it there's not much you can do there - except for hiding from zombies. With a robot however, one could play around for hours. I'm not trying to say Terraria sucks. I love Terraria. I love the 2D, I love the versatile weapon/block/armor system. I love the whole concept. I just find the game too short and not really that endless, considering it a sandbox game.
  2. Ruff


    1.Fully destroyable world 2.Randomly generated world 3.Building 4.Starting a new character 5.Playing with your friends 1. Yeah. It's awesome.. but it gets boring after a while. I mean sure it's cool that you can destroy everything but those common blocks get quite dull. 2. Good point but as much as I've seen it's never really that "random". A lot of common points and such. 3. There's not much to build really.. a fortress yeah but there's not THAT many opportunities plus what's there to defend against? 4. Starting everything all over.. just extending the time limit. 5. Haven't tried yet but will probably be fun. And I find this the only point why one would buy it. Basically yeah.. I already said that it gets boring quick as there ain't a lot of paths to develop towards. I hope I made myself clear.
  3. Ruff


    I love the game but I wouldn't buy it. Simply because there's not much to do after a week or so.. unless they release a huge update with millions of new items and monsters.
  4. Alright: 1. Square it 2. Multiply with g and divide by 1.45^2 Ta-da! You have g=9.75something
  5. Yay my map
  6. Ruff


    How much silk and how much wood? I have both yet can't make a bed..
  7. Ruff


    How do you get a bed?
  8. Ruff

    MaSKa Maps

    Maybe you put the following line in the spawnpoints: upgrades="0"
  9. Ruff

    MaSKa Maps

    Do you mean the modifications (spoiler, wheels, body kit) or a car mod (replacement model - for ex. a Mitsubishi)?
  10. Ruff


    The game looks interesting as hell. If I only had spare cash to spend on videogames.
  11. Folk dancing.. my legs hurt like shit from running 100m on Tuesday and not stretching afterwards. Now I have a folk dancing "show" where I have to dance 7 dances.. HOW?
  12. not blonde.. fake >:(

  13. Haha.. You're genius, Yoshi.
  14. I only kick/ban for a reason. Guess I had a reason..
  15. Chuck Norris all day long.
  16. Oh I forgot to add - I honestly have no clue where you took that one from. We as in you and your imaginery friend or something?
  17. Haha besweet. Your settings look horrible.
  18. MTA might handle pings but there's enough of people who zig-zag all around the fucking place, no need for more. Either find a new server or move house.
  19. Spacebandit approves.
  20. One minute later I was on. El coincidenco? Lately I've been feeling like I'm the only admin there. Have seen Bin a couple times as well.
  21. Saw Tyler, the Creator. What a fuckin chill guy. Still didn't get answer to my questions. I had so many and then the dream ended with some hornets chasing me. I fucking hate hornets. Ruined everything..
  22. Wolves Length: ~3:30 minutes Song: Black Sabbath - Iron Man Vehicle: Sultan race-wolves.zip
  23. Ruff

    'Dat Cave'

    HOLY SHIT! Minecraft got an update?!
  24. I fucking love black people! No homo
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