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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ruff

  1. Blind much?
  2. Ruff

    Music by Ace

    Thanks a lot : )
  3. Ruff

    Music by Ace

    I wrote the lyrics. I rapped it. I made the instrumental. EDIT: Thank you
  4. Ruff

    Music by Ace

    It was just an experiment I did. Just trying to broaden my horizons to various genres. Glad if you liked them both though.
  5. Ruff

    Music by Ace

    Different genres. Probably a matter of taste over that?
  6. Ace Unlimited - Apple Pie I don't know how many of you here listen to hip hop but here's a little something I did with my free time. Hope you all enjoy, and if not, feel free to give your reasons. Peace! (To listen, click on the song title or the image above) Lyrics:
  7. INCORRECT! Take an arrow to the knee or something
  8. This is so wrong on so many levels. Why does Internet Explorer have a red circle around it? It's not a web browser.
  9. BinSlayer said one spawnpoint is laggy but here's something I have discovered: 1) It's laggy when the vehicle is custom. (That means people have to download it and it has ~6MB graphics on it so they're pretty damn huge and all in one spot cause a huge lag) 2) It's laggy when it's nighttime. (Somehow due to the headlights of the vehicles.. when they collide, it's just a lagfest) Which leads me to the point that it isn't really that laggy when it's daytime with default vehicles. (I THINK)
  10. I have to say no to this one.
  11. Stop whining. After the map got played the chatbox was a living nightmare. EVERY SINGLE TIME So I have no fucking idea where you got the "one guy" example Anyway. Once again, BinSlayer saves the day. You're doing excellent this month, hoping for better presents from Santa? : P
  12. I suggest forcing the 3 max. time play-time. And I'm not just talking about Never The Same. A lot of short maps get played a billion times as well and it gets really frustrating to some people. Eventually the frustratees (trying to use it as a noun) overwhelm the stupid 2-pressing robots and the map cycle gets pushed forward. What is there to lose by forcing a limit for playing maps? There are nearly (or over by now) a thousand maps in the server, playing one of them for half an hour really messes with you. I find it merely negative. My own suggestion: Fix the Dumper-bridge part that I was talking about to You (BinSlayer) one day. This occurs with any large vehicle before the small tunnel-bridge in San Fierro (after the first time going up a hill and then down; on the streets) - you get stuck under it because for some odd reason San Andreas developers just made it graphically large, not physically however. Shouldn't it be easy on your part? Just erasing the largest vehicles from the generator's possibilities. And I wouldn't suggest this if the map didn't get played 50 times a day. This stuff happens.
  13. Thanks. That's great great news : )
  14. I'll just leave this here..... Haha.. oh god. Epic
  15. #1 Paying 5 Green-Coins the spawn position change. Right now the price is 20 GC which, in my opinion, is quite ridiculous. First of all, the maximum amount of GCs you can get on an average map is 20. And that's only if you finish first. I'm not familiar with the time=amountofGC formula but maps somewhat under 3 minutes only get you 10 Green-Coins per first place. So even if you get the really best time on the whole server, you end up with -10 GC which really isn't a prize, is it.. #2 Restore the old camera The front-view camera was a really good point of view. It helped racing a whole lot, you could manage obstacles better and such. The new look-around inside-car camera is quite crap. First of all, I don't even think anybody's using it. Secondly, it's not even close to the quality of the frontal (old) camera - you can't even see the front of the vehicle, let alone race properly. Really.. can't even see the road.
  16. Impossible to organise tournaments on a public server. Get real : )
  18. No. It ruins everyone else's gameplay
  19. Retard, PARTY HARD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. terminator
    3. Raptor


      Happy Birthday :D

    4. Raptor


      Wait, we were talking about clown parties? On Birthdays? RIGHT!?!

  20. I wished for San Andreas 2. Guess God really does exist..
  21. Liberty City was in GTA III. What's your point?
  22. Ruff


    Well what do you know.. I actually learned something today.
  23. Ruff


    Didn't lie about a single fact. I honestly can't see a connection between a bad joke and travelling here.. I tried, I really tried. Right... I'm sorry but you have no right to tell me what to do. Maybe a little bit but he did come here to whine about a short-term ban whereas he himself acted as an asshole. So I drew my own conclusions (probably what most of the readers did as well).
  24. Ruff


    I'm sorry but you can't be any more wrong than that. First of all, don't lie. Second of all, don't talk about things you don't know. Here's my response though: The guy kept saying "SHITMUSIC" on every single map with music. So I told him to shut it. After he kept doing it, I kicked him, saying "STFU". Then he came back online and said something similiar to "Fuck you Bandit", basically insulting an admin. I kicked him again, saying "Watch your mouth". He then came back online and said that it's a free country blabla (for him not leaving the topic alone, it kept annoying me). After that he said something along the lines "Why are all estonians so slow?" going from a personal insult to insulting my country. I then banned him for 15 minutes, saying "Go play somewhere else : )" To be honest to the fullest, I don't even understand why you made a topic. I banned you for 15 minutes - FIFTEEN. What.. your whole life crashed upon you? Did you get a crisis by not finding anything else to do? You stared at your PC screen and said to yourself "Oh my god. I can't play on Mr. Green's for the next fifteen minutes. What the hell am I going to do? God help me! I'm gonna file a complaint, that will help!" ? Correct me if I'm wrong but I (hopefully) helped you take a little break from your computer and wonder about life, our existence etc.
  25. First of all, SDK will deal with this obviously when he decides to do so. Secondly, you broke many rules, which is kind of amazing since we only have 3. 1. Don't be a retard - I know it's not defined correctly but don't be a wiseass. Just accept the fact that you were acting like a douche 3. The admins are always right. - Never say you were banned for no reason. It's not like the admins are picked with a blindfold on and they don't come on the server after having 2 liters of vodkas just to rageban people. Now, go outside, enjoy (read: have a) life and do everything else while this gets sorted out!
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