I'm sorry but you can't be any more wrong than that. First of all, don't lie. Second of all, don't talk about things you don't know. Here's my response though: The guy kept saying "SHITMUSIC" on every single map with music. So I told him to shut it. After he kept doing it, I kicked him, saying "STFU". Then he came back online and said something similiar to "Fuck you Bandit", basically insulting an admin. I kicked him again, saying "Watch your mouth". He then came back online and said that it's a free country blabla (for him not leaving the topic alone, it kept annoying me). After that he said something along the lines "Why are all estonians so slow?" going from a personal insult to insulting my country. I then banned him for 15 minutes, saying "Go play somewhere else : )" To be honest to the fullest, I don't even understand why you made a topic. I banned you for 15 minutes - FIFTEEN. What.. your whole life crashed upon you? Did you get a crisis by not finding anything else to do? You stared at your PC screen and said to yourself "Oh my god. I can't play on Mr. Green's for the next fifteen minutes. What the hell am I going to do? God help me! I'm gonna file a complaint, that will help!" ? Correct me if I'm wrong but I (hopefully) helped you take a little break from your computer and wonder about life, our existence etc.