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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ruff

  1. Ruff

    Scary games

    Shameless bump. Anyone dare accept my challenge? Make sure it's dark, cut the lights, sound at normal volume and play it alone. Don't try and play it through at daytime, then do the same thing at night and say "Meh, easy." because that wouldn't count. First time expression - priceless.
  2. @Lipton - Could've used better textures for planets And the lighting could be improved quite a bit. Especially the big planet. Doesn't look too real. But good job anyways
  3. Ruff

    Scary games

    Same here. I could never ever ever play games like FEAR at night time while being home alone. Well I couldn't probably even play it at daytime. I hate scary games. I can even get scared in games that are not horrifying at all (day turns to night, monsters appear etc.) I played Metro 2033 some while ago. There was this place where nobody actually attacked me but a mutant hopped out of a dark corner and ran away. I almost fell off my chair. And whenever I walk around in Fallout 3, I keep on pressing TAB (for the automatic enemy identifier) every second to make sure I won't have a horrifying surprise. I'm also very paranoid. I came home from watching the movie "Shutter Island" and couldn't look any person in the eye on my way back. I felt like they were all mental and from the facility. The scariest stuff I've played probably is The House which is a browser game. That stuff freaked me out. What could be worse than an abandoned house with creepy sounds and dead people appearing.. http://www.gamezhero.com/online-games/adventure-games/thehouse-flashgame.html I mean.. if you can play this through alone at night time, then sir - balls to you!
  4. Pushed the deadline. I might even enter in that case.
  5. Playing the first Fable now. Amazed, shocked. Why did I not know this game?
  6. And so I have noticed. My apologies for looking impatient.
  7. By the way.. I forgot to mention that I have been playing around with Adobe Photoshop for about 6 years now so I could be of design/graphic assistance if necessary. And I should add that I'm quite active on the server which means I play there a lot more than I should. Hope this thread hasn't died yet. I'll keep waiting for response.
  8. Releasing the second edition of Killer Heat! Since a lot of people loved the first one, I decided to make a sequel. Killer Heat 2 is another fast-paced map, now with a bit wider turns and faster speeds. Also includes a custom modeled vehicle and objects. Around 5 minutes long. Enjoy! race-killer_heat2.zip
  9. Or this..
  10. He's using a totally different mod called UltraThing. Well not totally different because it adds a similiar affect. You can find it in his thread here:
  11. I was really carried away by the excitement that I had actually finished it, I guess. Haha
  12. -.-" Forgot to press the black button. race-killer_heat.zip
  13. Oh. Wow. How could I possibly forgot that, haha. Also added GM. Probably necessary.
  14. Excuse me?
  15. Killer Heat A fast-paced map that involves tight and intense cornering. Due to that might need full GM. I have no idea how this will work with 40 people. The new GM system should make it quite soft but if necessary, apply full GM with my permission.
  16. Why do people never pay attention what's going on on the forums or use the search button? Or google? What's with you people? Here's a whole thread:
  17. Although above suggestions might help, this is how I fix mine. What I usually have is that the map editor names all my checkpoints the same. For example if I have a map with 23 checkpoints, it randomly works up to checkpoint 7 (for example) and then every checkpoint placed after that one will be named the same (for example checkpoint (7)). This means that the map editor will work up to CP (checkpoint) 7 but it can't be directed to checkpoint (8) because no such checkpoint exists. To fix this, you have to go to your map's folder (default C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\MAPNAME), open up the .map file with notepad/wordpad. You should see that the checkpoints have the same name. Now just start fixing them by editing the numbers in a row (make sure you look carefully and don't skip any checkpoints). If you scroll a bit to the right, you should also see that after some other information, it is written where the checkpoint will be directed to (this allows you to rearrange the whole order). If everything is done correctly, the map should now be organized again.
  18. You usually make fun of me and then I come up with a valid argument and then you switch everything around and make it look invalid and think you win the argument
  19. I have sad news. Moloch (my in-game nick) is the name of a demon. I might be a helpful demon though.. who knows.
  20. Thanks, Csena
  21. Gameserver: Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas Age: 17 (for 3 more months) Country of origin: Estonia In-Game Nick: Ruff Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Well I've played here since August, 2010. Since that month, it has been nothing but fun. Of course there are ups and downs in pretty much everything but this server is close to perfect. It is almost always full, most of the time 1-2 admins online and so on. Enough about my thoughts, let's get to me. So I'm a 17-year-old guy from Estonia who likes playing videos games (a lot). Even though English is not my primary language, I think I am quite good at grammar. This allows me to socialize well with players. As a person I am friendly, even if a bunch of stupid drivers box me in, I rarely rage. I get along with 95% of the players. The only person that I argue and who I mock is BinSlayer but that's sort of how we communicate. So it's a special situation, I don't act like that with other players. If necessary, I will stop talking to him, only in a mature way. The only problem I see on the server (also why I'm posting) is that it needs more admins. Most of the time there is someone online but those other times there's nobody to control the situation. Therefore I'd like to expand the administrative group.
  22. Ruff


    I've played with this guy and was in the server when this happened. There's no way he was hacking. I believe him.
  23. This is the first map that took me 4 days. Almost lost it in the process, had some weird bug in the editor. Nearly deleted it but accidentally managed to save it and well voila! I finished it and here it is. Robbing The Truck This is a labyrinth map in which you can find different vehicles, repairs and surprises in certain areas of the map. Your goal is to reach the security truck and steal the money. race-robbingthetruck.zip
  24. I vote for the special committee but since I am taking part, I can not join you. You have to find someone who's not taking part and knows a thing or two about originality and proper assessment. The minimum of the committee should be 2. That would be enough to make a proper decision (compromise) based on different opinions. Edit: By the way how do we submit our maps?
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