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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ruff

  1. Oh god. That's the funniest name for a sword. Although if you made a book, then that would be the coolest little easter egg. A serious book with the sword named a boner.
  2. I don't think so. He said the theme's "desert" and that's it. As far as you throw a cactus and some sand in, you're good to go.
  3. I love the idea. The prize is way too high IMO. Lower it to like.. 5000? And after the first round finishes, see if it's even worth to keep doing so because it might be the lack of people that brings this type of good ideas down. I'll take part!
  4. Good luck though, palo!
  5. No, I will find some bright and lovely neon colors or some other colors that are not used in a typical manner. And by the way, most colors after 126 are either black or repeat. Weirdest thing.
  6. Gibberish - Indeed, Emanuel. I, personally, also like tough maps but in the modern world I try and make a compromise between my ideas and that of the masses. That's why I had to tweak it a little. Forest Stage - I pushed the checkpoint to 12th due to the narrow roads meant for just one vehicle at a time before the checkpoint. That should take care of some whine, hatred and other issues.
  7. Updated a couple of my older maps. Gibberish People used to get stuck at the water part due to 40 players - fixed People can't get up from ramp at the water part - fixed People can't get up from ramp at quadbike part - fixed WRC Forest Stage Not suitable for 40 players (cluster @ CP5 and onwards) - fixed race-wrc-forest-stage.zip race-gibberish.zip
  8. What is this? A wild map appears! IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE! Wiggidy Diggidy Around 2:30 long Wiggidy Diggidy.zip
  9. Oh my lord! Dreams come true!
  10. I laughed.
  11. Ruff


  12. Ruff

    Word Association

    Volkswagen Beetle
  13. Ruff


    It's inevitable that this type of stuff pops up every now and then. It was long forgotten untill you bumped it. Oh, I never look at post dates on this forum due to the low amount of active threads. My bad.
  14. Ruff


    It's inevitable that this type of stuff pops up every now and then.
  15. Ruff


    I don't think I made myself clear. I asked people to stop forcing others to smoke marijuana because it's their own choice. I just merely suggest it to people who have not tried it yet. Far from forcing. (Never mentioned advertising)
  16. Ruff


    So true. I'd love it if it were the other way around - alcohol banned, weed legalized. Stoners rarely brawl or get agressive. And I mean very rarely. I don't see a reason why they shouldn't, really. But after all, it's one's own choice. I guess I misunderstood (didn't really read every post, just scrolled through). That, my sir, is a good thing to do. But still.. never get pissed off if people got their facts wrong. If they don't want to accept the truth, let them believe the world of lies. And I also agree - people often mistake weed as a hardcore drug that makes people go insane. Look what our society has done to itself.
  17. Ruff

    Contact Lenses

    Really depends on the person. I prefer contact lenses for the following reasons: - I don't have to wear something on my face (make me look like a regular person) - I find them easy to use, so it's no hassle - With glasses you can't see perfectly everywhere (left, right, up, down) due to the glasses not being directly "on" your eye, so you have a limited view. - I do not have to worry about playing football/basketball because glasses can break and it hurts a lot when you get hit with a ball but it's hard to gain access to your lenses.
  18. Ruff

    Contact Lenses

    No, numbnut. I don't do it, I'm just saying I could do it. I find it easy now.
  19. Ruff


    Why are you people even arguing? If alcohol was to be found at the same time as cannabis, it would be banned as well. It's just a stupid law and there's no need to get pissed off at people who dislike/like it. If you don't like it, fine, nobody's making you smoke it. And if you like it, there's no need to tell other people how good it is, as in provoking them to smoke it or else they "miss the opportunity of their lifetime". I, myself, am a stoner, I admit. Some facts that you guys have been arguing over - I am not addicted. I do not need cannabis to get along. It's just something that helps me get my mind off some things and relax. Pretty much like yoga. And pretty much like alcohol. I rarely see alcohol drinkers forcing people to drink it over the internet - it's pointless. So why are you, fellow stoners, trying to do it? If they don't want it, whatever.. let the people enjoy what they want. I advise people to try it 3-4 times (as you can't feel anything for the first 2-3 times) so they would know what it feels like. Same with alcohol.. I mean.. try it. They're not addictive and don't damage you if you just try them. But if you do not want to, well that's your choice, I really do not care. It's an individual opinion and a matter of taste. Let people do what they want. It's a free world. Don't get all mad and evil when people tell you it's very harmful. It's not like you want the whole world to be tripping balls, right? Get high if you like it and enjoy life.
  20. 1. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 2. Fallout New Vegas 3. Test Drive Unlimited (1&2) 4. Need For Speed: Shift 5. Company of Heroes The order is pretty unstable, except for number 1. It'll probably stay the same throughout the years. So I'll plant some details down as well: 1. Best game ever made, period. It's 5 years old - of course it doesn't have all the modern ticky-tacky like PhysX or superawesome graphics but it still looks okay. And it was a huge leap from Vice City, due to the different activities one could do in the game and the story-line was not much worse either. Plus it's still very famous (MTA, SA-MP and Single Player). 2. If I didn't like post-apocalypse, this game would probably not be on the list. But my ideal fantasy world is that of a post-apocalyptic atmosphere (even planning on writing a book). This game reflects pretty much everything I ever thought of when imagining such a world and the gameplay is nice as well, with all the different weapons, characters, choices and of course the huge playground that is New Vegas. 3. I'm a bit of a car-junkie (even though I don't have my license yet) and this one is my definite favorite out of all the racing games. It's a bit arcadish when it comes to racing, yet you can still enjoy the simulation of driving a sports car on real roads. The map is huge, there's always lots of people online to cruise with or just have fun on your own. It provides really nice visuals and reality at a low price. 4. As stated above, I'm a bit of a car-junkie, therefore this is another favorite for me from the racing series. From the previous NFS, Underground 2 would be my favorite one but I decided to put Shift in here because it's a pretty good racing game. I don't think it's all that arcade, like GRID etc. although it does have its unrealistic sides. I love racing and tuning cars. I also love the fact that you can add vinyls and such to create the car of your dreams. And the graphics are fine as well. 5. My number one game that involves a lot of thinking, due to it being an RTS. I'm not that big of a fan of the RTS genre. And this is no regular RTS game. You can't really build up a huge city and develop your people. It's a bit more like World in Conflict, where you can just manage your own army. It still needs a lot of tactical movement and planning, so it keeps my brain working but not overwhelming it, like other RTS games do. A couple of good games that couldn't fit in the list: GMod, Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, NFS: U2, Splinter Cell, Worms, Rise of Nations and some others I can't remember.
  21. Ruff

    Contact Lenses

    As stated above, the first time might be the hardest. It took me half an hour to finally manage with one lens but then again I'm a really clumsy person. I'm also pretty darn stupid so it took me months 'til I finally got the trick. I used to try and insert them from either too high or too low, never directly on the eye. My aiming was pretty inaccurate. But once I learned from my mistakes, everything got a lot easier. Now I don't even need a mirror anymore. I can just take a lens and apply it whenever and where-ever. So yeah, at first you're probably not comfortable with the fact that you're going to have another object on your eye but you'll get used to it. And it doesn't hurt or anything, you just have to learn how to apply it quicker and easier. Basically - no need to worry, my friend. It's no big deal once you are familiar with the know-hows.
  22. Well I'm going to play it for the sake of Single Player. They always manage to f*ck the multiplayer up with imba weapons, perks and in MW2 the gay server-system (Thank you, Activision!). The single players in the CoD series never managed to let me down however, so that's pretty much the only one side of the game I'm looking forward to. After I get the game, I'll report back.
  23. I am not all about "it's the same game" cliche (and I can formulate an opinion). I liked L4D2 etc. but I think games like CoD really need to keep on developing to bring more fun in on the gameplay's visual side. Pardon me for being a typical good-graphics hunter, even though my PC is quite old and I can't probably even play the game on medium settings. I just felt (while playing MW2) that the game was really missing something and I hoped they would compensate it with new visuals but it seems like they didn't. However I can't really have an opinion on this game since I haven't played it yet. I'll make another post after I've actually played it (soon).
  24. Well that's just low. Kind of sounds like SIMS with all its expansions.
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