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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ruff

  1. As much as I've seen on the reviews and videos, it's just the same old MW2 with new maps, new weapons, modified menus and perks along with other tiny modifications, running on the same engine. Am I right? In that case, what's with all the fuzz?
  2. Ruff


    Weed all the way. It's all good.
  3. no u nice idea
  4. Ruff

    Contact Lenses

    Thank you, Mr. Smarty-Pants, didn't know that.
  5. Ruff

    Contact Lenses

    Lenses all the way. I used to have issues getting them on and off but with years of experience I don't even need a mirror anymore. Am I cool or what?
  6. It doesn't? You must have a big dick. EDIT: I mean.. whaat.. mine doesn't either.. whaaat?
  7. Problem sort of.. solved. Case closed I guess. I'm glad to hear Jugg actually came up with a reasonable solution.
  8. Nevertheless, I still don't see my punishment as "simple as that".
  9. Not correct, kind sir.
  10. I can not see where you're going with this. I can read, that's why I'm saying it's ridiculous. It was an indirect and soft insult. I can not yet see the reason for a ban, even if it's temp.
  11. Read it. Is it really worth a ban? The first case, mute maybe. The second case - a kick followed by a mute?
  12. Oh but it was. "Nigger is a word in the dictionary" BAN!
  13. I said - I did not even use it offensively. I just said it exists in the dictionary. How can one get offended by that?
  14. 1. Ruff 2. 25/10/2010 3. Juggernaut 4. The first time he banned me, I typed "Nigger is a word in the dictionary". The second time he banned me, I said "You know how they say "respect admins at all times?" I'm really failing hard at that right now." 5. First of all, Juggernaut got pissed at me for saying the word "nigger" which indeed is just another word in the dictionary. If we would live by his rules, you should also ban people who say "white people", "asian" or even "nazi". God damn ridiculous, if you ask me. The word "nigger" is not banned in any single country as far as I know. And I didn't even use it in any way to make fun of anyone, I just stated a fact. Secondly, after he banned me a long chat followed, after which he decided to unban me (which he shouldn't have done in the first place). And after my wise words, I for one, did not even say anything directly to him and it was definitely not something worth a ban. (Extra note: Before me, Palo had already been banned. After he banned me, he also banned 2 more people, making it a ban spree) I say provoke his status because this is not how an admin acts.
  15. Eskape Basically, you're in a city that has been hit by terrorists. So you're escaping to Los Santos because it has not yet been hit. Find a way and watch out for the police and the army because they let nobody out of the city! Eskape.zip
  16. With GM on it will just be a top-time hunt and nothing else. That'd be boring as hell. This is why Mr. Green's server is so much fun - it actually allows you to defend your position in the race and do dirty overtakes. Just like a real racing game! NO as in no fucking way.
  17. I was too high.. the idea was great, yet not the implementation.
  18. I guess I was high. Sorry for that. Right now I'm perfectly sober. Here's another one: Tour de Panda Long map (around 6-7 minutes) with a custom vehicle. Tour de Panda.zip
  19. New map! Multiple choices 1 CP, different ways to get there. Good luck! Multiple Choices.zip
  20. Possible dissapearance/accident after publishing the comics. (Assassins)
  21. Looks nice and easy. I'll probably use it in one of my maps. Thanks a lot, Puma!
  22. WRC City Stage Length: Around 3 minutes. Continuation to my previous WRC maps. Hope this one on asphalt is good enough. Tight, sharp corners and importance of speed still stay. WRC City Stage.zip
  23. WRC Forest Stage Length: Around 3 minutes A sequel to my "WRC Desert Stage".Unfortunately I couldn't use a custom vehicle, the game crashed no matter what model I used. I didn't make the map alone, Kyle helped me in my own server. But here you go, enjoy! Note: Watch out for barrels and cocks. WRC Forest Stage.zip
  24. Ruff

    How To: Drink

    The singer looks a bit like Dr. Emmet Brown Back to the Future FTW!
  25. 1. Real name and age? King Ruff, aged 17 (temporarily) 2. Where do you live? Far far East, in one of the Baltic countries. 3. Previous experince with communities and boards? Yes, I have experience. Thank you for asking. And it's spelt "experience" 4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job) I argue over the internet and create maps in MTA. And ofcourse, sometimes I create videos, if I get tremendously bored. 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? Yes, studying knowledge. 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? Boring, dull and pointless. Pretty much summarizes my whole life on Earth so far. 7. Anything else you wanna tell us? Not really. I am not a chit-chatter. And you are a stranger. You may supply with a photo if you want to. Me hanging out on a beautiful day in one of Mr. Green's Team Fortress 2 servers. Note: I do not own this picture.
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