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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by JagdTiger

  1. player reported: DJ|Tommy / Tommy me: MASS1VE / Zullolo
  2. good luck Mr. Turkour
  3. "Hahahah", only thing that describes ur post, idk what have you found, I don't know if u have found anything more interesting than in ur log. And u aren't in the topic, so I would suggest u not to post not needed information. If u want, u can go and report me, but u ain't clearer than me + I used more than 2 nicks, maybe u missed it.
  4. You are again changing the topic, what you are saying has nothing to situation, so I wont argument how wrong you are now. I have proofs and witness on my side, so lets just wait till someone from administration takes a look on it and closes the topic.
  5. Okay, to make job easier for you and to be fair. I called him by "gay" word once, but after 5 minutes of listening to his non sense chat messages, i didnt include it in screenshots showcased here, I'm sorry for that. That was the reason Sandro muted me (1 hour), I'm not saying mute was incorrect, He got on in wrong moment, so he couldn't know. Even after Sandro got me muted, Dron54 said on chat "gay is hunting my ass" when i tried to kill him on dd, Sandro was on, no reaction. (this one i also didnt include, reason: I was leaving the server and I didnt screenshot it)
  6. After u muted me, he also called me homosexual more than once on ur eyes, He is clearly not behaving like he got provoked.
  7. salty ppl talking about salty ppl, fun fact sandro, but its not the topic here. I would argument it (if u rly want, we can discuss here) but like i said: Not the topic. And words: "You provoked him first", you said it without any knowledge what has happened. Even after seeing here first screenshot, which clearly describes that he started, You say i provoked him. Ik there could be something before his text on chat, but there wasnt. There could be one more thing, You suspecting me for lying on a report there but i think u dont, u just based ur words on someones messages on dc about me and thought, he provokes all time and insults, so he should be the guy who provoked the other one in this situation.
  8. me? we can ask sweaq or cock, they will tell who started calling who of homosexuals, bcs bot wasnt working. And im not insulting all the time, idk where did u get it from.
  9. My nick: Zullolo Nick of player I'm reporting: Dron54 / Dron So he starts calling me homosexual and saying i have boyfriend, bcs me and SweaQ killed him on Shooter mode.
  10. Jap already told u the reason of ban, so why u make another topic?
  11. Name: Zullolo Map: [RTF]A Great Adventure
  12. ^That's how to trash talk.
  13. So, i got muted bcs i wrote this(i guess): I dont know by who, thats why im protesting here ofc. No one replied to that in game and on discord so like nothing happened, but after some time when i come back after 1 hour i cant type bcs im muted. I would like to suggest that admins or mods who mute on discord give info with mentioned ppl in their mute info, so its not a sneaky kill from behind anymore. Thanks.
  14. Camel PRO xDD
  15. who wants damn steam money man? >Me
  16. My IGN: Zullolo IGN of reported player: FapJama / FaPJama.PhD server: MIX reason: Blocking screenshots:
  17. JagdTiger


    For now just close this topic like nothing happened, u can delete it completely if u can OK:)?
  18. JagdTiger


  19. Cena, or whoever is or will try to get things clear - sorry for responding this topic with many posts, honest opinions are on top, steam keeps posting words that are worthless to read even but i just cant leave it like that, hope u understand and not be angry about my stupid decidion to respond him .
  20. lol all u can do is call Everyone - kid, child. You did not answer or defend yourself, i think you dont have enough proof to say maina isn't right so please dont even talk here, you are wasting everyones time to read what u write, worthless...
  21. u didnt answer my post at all kid, u provoked him to say words he said to u by pm and u say now he destroyed fun of other players by him sending u private message that no one even sees. He has better trust rating than u, u provoke everyone and many ppl think u are arogant so it doesnt matter if u got or not banned in the past, u work for ppl to think u are great person whole time. Not only admins decide about banning or muting so players opinion matters too and u talk to most of ppl: st*u, kid, cry, thats why ur trust rating is much lower than his and Anthony shouldnt react to ur report like he did.
  22. maina is old good member of mrgreen's community, most ppl like him and know he isn't inulting normally, it was just one action of not many that happened. My honest opinion is Maina doesnt deserve ban at all, Steam is normally provoking ppl and he saw a joke from maina, bcs it wasnt pure insult just bcs he didnt say anything personal, just empty words, he knew it was a joke but he can't not take such oppurtunity to report someone that he maybe doesnt like. hope you understand the situation. You cant take steam's reports seriously, just a funny action from him reporting such a "thing".
  23. trophy cup means thanks? hmm it still misses some reactions like
  24. making videos of poor players... GOOD WORK
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