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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Versnellingspook

  1. I'll just leave this here
  2. I'm glad I play this game on PS3 so I don't get tempted to use those lame commands ^^
  3. Reload save? Nah that would set me back too far, because I didn't think I needed that staff another time. But then 3 quest' later I apparantly need it again.
  4. I accidentally sold The Staff of Magnus to one of the mages in the college for 300g. Guess what I'll have to pay to get it back... 3400g ffs :'( And I can't pickpocket it back either.
  5. You'll eventually explore the whole map one way or the other. Is it during quests or just finding new standing stones or dragon spots.
  6. He means horse carriage, they're usually close to the stables (it's a guy with a horse carriage who can take you to any city for a little gold) Even to a city which you havent discovered? Especially. That's what it's there for.
  7. I already bought 3 horses, that's 2000 gold wasted. But that was because I didn't know they were dead and didn't want to go back to that savegame :P

    1. Damien


      i bought 1 horse in beginning and it died aftera few quests. it was defending me :/ . hopefully i get the dark brotherhood horse soon

  8. Nice comeback man! really strong argument. You got me convinced. To get back ontopic: 6/10
  9. I don't see the direct link between chicks and porn, would you care to explain? Your comment makes me think that you don't look at 'chicks' in real life either, because you already have pornsites? ^^
  10. Without fast travel you're going to spend ages running around. I only walk when I have to follow someone. Or when I sneak up on a soon-to-be-dead thing. I only use fast travel if its on the other side of the map in middle of nowhere Otherwise I'll use the caravan things. Also I walk in all those important places like the greybeard club Caravan things? What are those? Where can I get one? I just use my horse and fast travel like a boss. Horse's can climb anywhere. He means horse carriage, they're usually close to the stables (it's a guy with a horse carriage who can take you to any city for a little gold)
  11. Lol I have a pretty weird bug, When I equip both arch mage robe and the morokei mask my face becomes invisible
  12. I got the clothes from the woman herself not from some drawer.
  13. You mean where you have to go to that party of the embassy?
  14. Riverwood you mean?
  15. I've heard otherwise, they're saying it is some latino/black guy. And I've heard the story will not be about 1 main character but several characters.
  16. Versnellingspook


    I get a black screen when starting this and only see my score and FPS.
  17. Thanks for your very intelligent and mature opinion. And the Religion story, as I've read in Donald Down Under, I think personally religion is only good for having something to believe in to help make you stronger, but as also shown in the story, people use it to think that only THEY are right and everyone who thinks otherwise is stupid. Thus, war. I think your vision is a bit too black/white, of course some people think they are right but they are a minority. If everyone thought they were right all the time not a single country would be operative. And that's why we have debates. Even though someone is fully convinced that he is right they will reconsider subconsciously and maybe come to sence.
  18. The problem is not religion, the problem is extremism. If there was no religion at all these kinds of people would still be there and find other motives.
  19. Yes there was an american who had 'sources' claiming it was al quaida http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/272558/ansar-al-jihad-al-alami-claims-oslo-bombing-responsibility-charlie-cooke
  20. You shouldn't let those few rotten appels spoil it for the rest. As for this maniac, it was stated before, this was EXACTLY what he wanted. And I don't get why the newspapers keep publishing stories about him and his background. Like I care what music he listens to. But at one thing he was wrong I suppose, he thought his actions would provoke a crusade against Islam/collaborators of the islam in Europe (in his view). But I think he did the opposite, i.e. that Norway comes out of this tragedy stronger and more united. Maybe his manifesto and his views inspired some other sick fucks but I dont think they would go as far as he did.
  21. Intelligent =/= sane in the head. And he said himself that half of his manifesto was not written by him.
  22. I think this man was just sick in his head, look at the smile on his face while he's in the police van :/ Also I've read some parts of his manifesto, and he's just a sick man full of himself and fully convinced that what he's doing is the right thing. @BY97; Have some faith, not all people are like that. The Netherlands has the highest rate of giving to charity. What else can we do to help victims of starvation. And are you doing anything about it?
  23. And what if you did, you don't want to be lying in your dying moments do you?
  24. Chickenpook
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