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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by r4ph43110w

  1. Good luck lad, you are a great companion and totally fit for the place
  2. Never saw you on the run. Wish you best of luck buddy
  3. That wouldn't be an issue. It would be my big donation to Mr. Green, it would be managed by you. It would be behind my router, but that is pretty much the only serious limitation. It has an uptime of two months now. Anyway, I understand your POV, and I can see the problems it would cause
  4. It's what I said, even providing you guys a free host you decline it. It seems you don't care These last two days have been great for the server. Always full of players. The surf server means a lot to some, and it's just hard to see it go like that.
  5. The idea to remove the surf server is, in my honest opinion, pretty dumb. When I first joined the server, it got me totally. It is so plain and fun it gets addicting. It has a really nice mapcycle, it has fun sounds, a nice ranking system. I can see you guys are switching to GO, but I will not be buying it. I like the simplicity of CSS, and at the moment, Mr. Green is the only reason I still play it. I see lots of people on the same situation right now. New people are also joining the server (I keep seeing 1000 points guys popping) so it being underpopulated is not a proper excuse to do this. People are also on vacations and don't have internet nor computers to play. In a week or two, everyone will be back home and available. What I can see here is that you guys gave up on this server. No proper administration is available and active and I am pretty much the only one that keeps an eye on it. I keep bugging admins on IRC so that they /might/ take an action. No one really does it though. I even am considering to buy a simple server to actually host it, if you guys fully agree with me (it might not happen anytime soon though, I can't afford it right now). I have a stable nice 100 Mbps connection and I am willing to host it in my very own home. As hard as it might sound, as it costs me to say it, this is my ultimatum for this community. If you guys give up on this server, I will be giving up on Mr. Green. Hoping for a better future, Rafael.
  6. I hate you guys so much :<
  7. I really enjoy seeing the orchestra playing the trailer soundtrack. Amazing!
  8. I wish the weather froze my balls too. I'd give everything not to have summer. Can't sleep. Not well.
  9. Its recoil patterns resemble CS 1.6 so I hate it
  10. r4ph43110w

    live map

    It's normally included as a default in the dynmap plugin, but it really takes up more resources (both generating and storing the map).
  11. Hey Puut! As they recommended to me, you should become more active both on IRC and these forums. Good luck!
  12. 20 positions up in 4 days :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rui_troia


      But nothing special to be shareable here :V

    3. Mathematic


      Reap3r is a shit-skin gay fag

    4. r4ph43110w


      wow that escaleted quickly.

  13. It's now removed from the list. I hope Gabe releases this as a surprise...
  14. deal with it
  15. Just to clarify something: IMHO I think that I am, indeed, above the average. No, I'm not really talended nor pro, but I am at a fairly good position in the ranking and if you check my current kpd (not the global), you will see that it is set at 2,1. I play Mr. Green since I can recall and I didn't know how to properly surf at the beginning. And I can (and usually do) play well and bad at the same time. It's not like it really matters, but I thought I should make a reference to it. To sum up: I am not a pro player, but I don't suck either Oh and Reap3r: the average kpd ratio at this server is around 0,68. Still, as explained right here, this ratio is pretty useless comparing performances.
  16. Thanks Balmung, I appreciate it That is strange... rui_troia introduced me to Mr. Green Surfing about 1 year ago. I know most people know me (50NDR3, Deftoy, Sjerdo, headshot, some icon guys, spyke, off the top of my head). It seems we never actually talked, but oh well, it happens. Well, maybe I was just blind or either inactive Welcome to community anyhow, be more active. Also you better wanna join IRC as well. I finally recall one occasion that we actually spoke to each other. We were testing your map at the server and you actually taught me a few tricks.
  17. I actually did, go check it: http://pt.twitch.tv/r4ph43110w/b/326304749
  18. Thank you all Reap3r, I have no actual "pro skills", I'm just clearly above average It was just a funny way to say that I don't suck at all.
  19. Hey. I'd like to see these guys banned from the surfing server. They've been been banned before because they spammed the weapon models and they're back, and they seem not to like to follow any rules. They are now telecamping every single time. Demo can prove that. # 601 "Kᴇᴇɴ☂" STEAM_0:1:5261582 19:50 73 0 active # 602 "Chef" STEAM_0:0:38172403 19:07 77 0 active 1.zip
  20. wow. strange. I like it. 8/10.
  21. hmhhh... 7/10. that song is way too calm for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAmoptV9wdA
  22. That is strange... rui_troia introduced me to Mr. Green Surfing about 1 year ago. I know most people know me (50NDR3, Deftoy, Sjerdo, headshot, some icon guys, spyke, off the top of my head). It seems we never actually talked, but oh well, it happens.
  23. 7/10 and hey, Knife Party is nothing but sucky.
  24. 9/10! that is some nice taste you got there
  25. Gameserver: Counter-Strike: Source - Surfing Age: 15 (soon to be 16) Country of origin: Portugal Link to Steam Community profile: r4ph43110w Minecraft name: rafaeldamasceno Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hey. My name is Rafael Damasceno and I love to surf. I also enjoy electronic and disco music a lot, having Calvin Harris, deadmau5 and Knife Party as favourite artists. Anyway, I think I have a nice chance of being an admin because I am always active on Mr. Green Surfing, I am really fluent in "Engrish verry well" (jusk kidding, I had a 1-week extensive English course at Peterborough, England), as I am with latin languages (Portuguese, Spanish and French). I have been a Moderator at several Habbo-related forums and servers, and I currently mantain biteSMS Portuguese translation Because this server lacks an active admin (VMR being the most active when I spam the report and reply tool), I keep watching the IRC and I contact Darkstar and Clavus so that they take action when something's wrong at the server. Even though I am not-- Something happened to the post and it got cut through halfway I'll try to resume it: I want to improve the experience we have at this server. As no one is watching, some people cross the line and keep breaking server rules. As I am really active on the server, I think I'm fit for the position. And I am well placed on the server ranking, thanks to my pro skills (irony intended). Wish me luck
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