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Mr. Green Gaming


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About PornStar

  • Birthday 12/22/1989

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    gaming, drawing , drinking, fun stuff, friends ....

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  1. PornStar


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArqQnTur2vg THIS IS WHAT WE DO TO TROLLS
  2. its not so pose to make sense ovb guys its a random thing haven't you ever saw Robot chicken or hot rod you just come into the thing after what has happened like why is this guy so mad so confusion is a perfect feeling after watching also laughing to the confusion is the point.. For the guys that need a plot and story line for something to be funny to them that's lame Open up your Funny Views cause your missing out on a lot... And i laughed at the Wtf i just watch comments haha i wanted to people to laugh and feel that way so yay
  3. a video me and my friend made im the one with the shaving Cream on my face http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArqQnTur2vg
  4. you pay your gf to be with you ? i don't give my gf any money
  5. yea its weird i always get Frame Drops in Tf2 no other game just that one anyone know how to fix that i got a ge force 8800 GTX
  6. Lmao yea your soo good at spy hendix max points as spy for you 24 max kills 9 max dmg 1,665 My records max points 65 max kills 23 max dmg 3,765 Plus i got 265.4 hours of spy
  7. show me make a video challenge me if your so good
  8. oo its cool i completely understand your lack of self esteem and you have to Troll around keep trolling little boy
  9. LMAOOOOO SOOO FUNNNYYYY!!!!! OOo Really??? i have to see when you find
  10. im a porn star...
  11. If you want my gamer face picture here you go
  12. lmaooo its a picture get over it Clavus who gives a shit if its in a mirror?
  13. I don't has a short mustache or beard lol and im 20
  14. Mee
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1-bbz3crjw
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