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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by martin11

  1. Gotta thank you for the good old times. I'm not into MTA anymore but It will always have it in my memories. Golden memories. Thank you for making all of this possible. Cheers!
  2. 260+ in mta
  3. now has 200 TOPTIMES SET! OMFG!

    1. Gametaff


      Hi ragequiter

    2. Griffon


      Sounds like you need a new hobby.

  4. Very quick history for me. my real name is martin so i had it as a nickname till somebody in the server was called as martin too, so quickly i added my year after my nickname. BTW, im not 11, im 14. I added those numbers 3 years ago.
  5. My first nts map. +3:00 mins only with only cars in the airport of LS. airportchaos.zip
  6. fixed, this topic will be deleted
  7. I have bought the voice some days ago, i configured my mic and worked fine. But i went to another pc and nobody could hear me, is not a problem of my mic settings because i tried the voice on the new Mr.Green's server and it worked. What can i do? Probably 5000 gc wasted :S
  8. I'll see if i can make my own ctf and manhunt maps too
  9. Start school the next thursday -_- is not funny

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mogadonskoda


      dark str i started earlier and end later....

    3. mogadonskoda


      dark str i started earlier and end later....

  10. great! but this server is not DM lol
  11. 1 new map with sandking, custom map. 2012rally.zip And i fixed the ending on 'A roller coaster way 2' and the carchange with sandking. coasterway2.zip
  12. Has 100 toptimes set! :D

    1. terminator


      yomartin productions!!!!!!! :D

    2. Tootao


      Nice bro !! :D

      comining me !! xD

  13. Map with slow cars on speed x3 slowcarsrevenge.zip
  14. New one, 1:30 mins + - coasterway2.zip
  15. ok next map with ghostmode coming
  16. hahah you dont give up with wtf yo?! xD
  17. ok i forgoted :/
  18. NEW NOTICES: Megaupload closed by piracy charges: four arrested workers DAMN SOPA WILL FINISH US!!!!!!!! POST YOUR INSULTS HERE IF YOU ARE ANGRY!
  19. martin11


    that if its aproved most internet pages will be fucked
  20. This is a roller coaster map (1 min aprox.). With many loops and not long. If you like it i will make more. coasterway.zip
  21. Maps of 2-3 mins racingbonec.zip racingprickle.zip racingverdant.zip
  22. New maps (1-2 Mins) racingflats.zip racingcalton.zip racingrestricted.zip Upload them with GM ON
  23. there wont be no more long maps, this is the last but is not so long, next maps will be all of 1 min or 2
  24. Map in san fierro with sultan sultans of swing.zip
  25. merry christmas in most languages! feliz navidad y prospero año nuevo Froehliche Weihnachten und ein gluckliches Neues Jahr Feliz ñavida y provechosu añu nuevu Shuvo Baro Din Nedeleg laouen na bloav ezh mat Vasel Koleda; Tchesti nova godina Seng Dan Fai Lok, Sang Nian Fai Lok Bon nadal i feliç any nou! Geseende Kerfees en 'n gelukkige nuwe jaar I'D Mubarak ous Sana Saida Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand Felices navidaes y prósperu añu nuevu Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok Sung Tan Chuk Ha Pace e salute Glaedelig Jul Colo sana wintom tiebeen Jutdlime pivdluarit ukiortame pivdluaritlo Vesele Vianoce. A stastlivy Novy Rok Vesele bozicne praznike in srecno novo leto Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo Gajan Kristnaskon Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi Zorionak eta Urte Berri On Cristmas-e-shoma mobarak bashad Hyvää Joulua or Hauskaa Joulua Zalig Kerstfeest en Gelukkig nieuw jaar Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ur Nadolig LLawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda Bo Nadal e feliz aninovo Kala Christougenna Kieftihismenos O Kenourios Chronos Mele Kalikimaka Mo'adim Lesimkha. Shana Tova Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket & Boldog Új Évet Selamat Hari Natal Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah Nollaig Shona Dhuit Gledileg Jol og Farsaelt Komandi ar Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto Natale hilare et Annum Nuovo! Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus un Laimi'gu Jauno Gadu Linksmu Kaledu Streken Bozhik Selamat Hari Natal Nixtieklek Milied tajjeb u is-sena t-tabja Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan Meri Kirihimete Zul saryn bolon shine ony mend devshuulye God Jul og Godt Nyttår Polit nadal e bona annada Bikpela hamamas blong dispela Krismas na Nupela yia i go long yu Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia i Szczesliwego Nowego Roku Boas Festas e um feliz Ano Novo Mata-Ki-Te-Rangi. Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua Sarbatori vesele Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom ciid wanaagsan iyo sanad cusub oo fiican Wilujeng Natal Sareng Warsa Enggal God Jul och Gott Nytt År ºKrismas Njema Na Heri Za Mwaka Mpyaº Suksan Wan Christmas lae Sawadee Pee Mai Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun Veseloho Vam Rizdva i Shchastlyvoho Novoho Roku! Chuc Mung Giang Sinh Sinifesela Ukhisimusi Omuhle Nonyaka Omusha Onempumelelo
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