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Mr. Green Gaming


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  • Interests
    Eating zombies.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. G-gods


    You don't deserve an unban. Let me get this straight. I come out on facepunch admitting I had sethhack and apologizing to everyone. I call Seth and his hack shitty and decided I no longer want the hack and that Seth can "blow me". You then take this information to ban me from you practically dead zombie survival server for using it to listen to music. I currently don't own the hack and have no means to do it again yet you still won't unban. I even had people on facepunch apologize to me. I did this to get it off my chest And let the facepunch community know my little secret. I also have a picture of Seth admitting that I haven't used the hack in over a year and that they are better off without me because I talk shit on the hack 3 times before. It's so sad to see a community go down the shitter because of stuff like this.
  2. G-gods


    You bypassed script enforcer, just to "bhop" as zombie. Actually I didn't even use the Bhop function. It was a keyboard macro. I used it for Musex to listen to music and for falco spectate because I hated being a zombie and would just spectate others. Also, you saw the image, I requested it back just because I own it. I called his community shitty along with his hack.
  3. G-gods


    Sorry about that: STEAM_0:1:36017201
  4. G-gods


    I am not a sethhack user? I did own it at one point but was since banned. I never even used it on your server. I have proof that I havent used the hack in over a year. I like your zombie survival server and thought I might as well make an unban request. Thanks!
  5. What's your in-game name? You sound sick nasty good.
  6. Like I said I have things going on and am not a player who plays all the time. I also have a broken arm so you won't see me on a lot. I also do see most of the people who say they don't see me, I'm not much of a chatter box. Got my cast off and have bin playing recently.
  7. Everyone who seen hasn't me is because if Changed my name recently to Night-hawk. I also had to reformat because of a virus but didn't really want to so I didn't turn it on for like a week. After I finally did I had to re download all my stuff. I also have a broken arm.
  8. Good times.
  9. A Nuke would be nice to have.
  10. We could always add some cool features to the game to drag in people. P.S. I thought I was the only one who jacked off to alyx.
  11. Ya, I wont my money back!
  12. Would be nice to listen to music while you blow some brainz out.
  13. I like the part where the humans have 2 minutes to cade.
  14. Game server: Green's Zombie survival Age: 18 Country of origin: England Little something about myself and why I think I'm fit to be admin: *I'm mature and won't abuse powers *I know a lot about admin *I don't ban people unless the hack or need to be banned *I'm always playing Zombies on Green's server in Garry's mod *I'm an experienced video gamer and Mr.Greens Zombie Survival is my favorite game *RoboRobb is my friend and we talk on steam and play all the time so I know about admin and how to use it. *I prefer Mr.Green's server to Nox witch sucks *I chat with capital letters(Like This, NOT THIS) and use commas etc. *I'm funny *I'm dedicated *I wish I was sexy *I will not give players guns, ammo, health etc. *I know just about everything about admin like only to rave break when last human asks. My In-game user name is "<Night-Hawk>"
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