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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Cowchucker

  • Birthday 04/12/1992

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  • Location
    New York

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  1. I feel like there is two major issues (technically 3 but i wont get into the zombies spawning with too much health in the start.) Okay medics all they do is run and heal run and heal. Medics usually last the longest, but thats because the time you finally rech them and attack them... 3 seconds later they are back to full health. I feel like medics should be dumbed down liek they immovable when they are healing so its not completly abused like it has been. Issue #2: I feel like zombines are a bit over powered too just because of their health and speed. zombines are quickly becoming the new fast zombies with a shit ton of health but no flying jumps. Zombines should be dumbed down a bit as well, either take away some health and keep the speed or do it the other way around. These are just my opinions, everyone has their own opinions. Feel free to share.
  2. haha no thank you, yeah the rumors are true i am back. I dont know if i will be restored back to my admin status. Its great to see some familiar faces and some new ones =D. Sorry i didnt leave everyone a notice that i was leaving for a while, but i didnt want the whole community herrassing me asking why i left and trying to convince me to come back. Just trying to get my life on track. sooo.... yeah the cousin and surgery excuses were both hoax's I lied about those so no one would herass me. Anyways im back and i dont plan on leaving for a very long time. oh and one more thing...what has happened to zs. Its like killing floor and infected wars combined and i get soooo confused.
  3. Where is Buffalo Grill? :(

  4. Where are you cow.

    I miss you on IW and forums ._.

  5. Where are you cow?

  6. Are you the same cowchucker that made the natural disaster pack for garrys mod (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=73098)

    if so, where do I extract it?

  7. In YOUR endo DOOM! *Dusty says DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!* *Cowchucker sticks his legendary 52in black cock in his mouth going down his esophagus and stabbing throguh all his organs coming out his anus* Cowchucker screams BOOM HEADSHOT!
  8. My cousin is an asswipe redgord, i heard he was mean to everyone. Plus.... what a dumbass i wasn't dying or anywhere near dying. I would kick the shit out of him if i wasn't in pain from the surgery......but thats why they made pain killers!
  9. Hey everyone im back, im fine now, they just had to remove something from my intestines that was blocking stuff.....have you ever held a poo in for a week and a half? Two words.... Not Fun. Anyways, my brother went off to college and im taking his room, so i wont be online for today and tomorrow. Lots of people left....what a shame, oh nice job on getting admin for those new people who got it....Sacrificial baby is still my bitch Wow, i did miss a lot.
  10. Attention Attention: this is not the real cowchucker, this is his cousin... it took me a whole two days to get the username and password from his brother, His mother said i could take over his computer till he's back, im sure he will be mad at me but w/e. To the real news he was having issues with his intestines and he went in for surgery i dont know what the problem is exactly and i dont know why he's in surgery, but i think its something very serious like there is a chance he might die, thats just what i think. He wont be back for a week or two, so.... dont really know what else to say. I guess, good luck without him? Well im sure he will be fine and be back soon.
  11. pointpoint, the people who are listed above are admins, its about what admins have said :P

  12. Glad to see that because we have a lot to talk about, i can really use your help.
  13. CORBY COME BACK! you can blame it all on me!!!! Its been 24 hours.... come back so i can drop off... "the stuff"
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