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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ignat

  1. Leesbaar, duidelijk genoeg ? Je verwacht natuurlijk niet geen antwoord geven op die topic, ook al is het gesloten. Groeten,

  2. Ignat

    Yeah shure, sorry man...... EPIC FAIL of GREEN

  3. Ignat

    Ignat ADM ap.

    Hello, I assume that i am still banned in the IRC, but that is not something problematic. But about the "Admin" in the surf, still in progress ?
  4. Ignat

    Word Association

  5. Ignat

    Word Association

  6. Jaaaaa man, "SPACE MUZIEK" Money is one of my fav. 8/10
  7. surf_prison V2 surf_egypt ( Nice fast rounds ) surf_boob ( Some one still working on it )
  8. Ignat

    Word Association

  9. WOW, real live people died from it actually. Chinese people spending years behind a screen, no bathroom, no food as result death. Try that "GuildWars"...... Left4Green (Forum) VS Beta Gamers (forum)
  10. Ignat

    Word Association

    BAM !
  11. Saturn of course, it's one of the strangest planet. "Well my opinion then" All that gas, who knows it could blow up our universe. "BAM" Cool guy VS nerd
  12. External Hard-Drive .... Or a bomb
  13. Life is usually a pain in the ass. Afterwords you can rest it out. Life VS Death
  14. Sorry man, Maar zijn je admin krachten niet groot genoeg om het te verplaatsten.... lol
  15. Hoi, Dit is een topic voor de Nederlanders. Ik krijg namelijk op 28 voor de Sint, wat heel uitgebreid word gevierd met familie. Nou heb ik Black op gekocht maar ik ken em niet spelen. Dus aankomende eind november, heb ik een black ops. Geef em voor een 10tje minder weg. Ignat
  16. Ignat

    Ignat ADM ap.

    Screening.............pls wait..................
  17. SUPER HARD 'CONCRETE' No more words for it.
  18. Good-bey of the beginning, that list is 1 night fun
  19. Space cake, free ride at the hookers. A big 30cm joint a few chillpills, an if your after making it ´verry´happy so coke
  20. Ignat

    Ignat ADM ap.

    Should t be this closed already ?
  21. Felling like a .....

  22. Ignat

    Ignat ADM ap.

    Now we are talking. When i write something on a 'forum', make it short "You don't want people to be distracted 'youtubers' and falling a sleep while trying to reed.". Don't expect always a reply from me, just think in your own head that i'm "LOLLING". I would like to join the IRC but my nick is already taken "Dr.xxx".
  23. Ignat

    Ignat ADM ap.

    WoW ok, Though doing you all a favor. But if i'm gona do all those things up... where is $$$ ? Never seen either of you, like to keep it that way. I do not intend to search you and meet u in person. * If you intend to write a post back, at-least take a min look how your grammar is. ...i also can be active on this but if i see these long silly lines i do not even intend to read them i just klick klcik away the old-school way so.....
  24. Ignat

    Ignat ADM ap.

    Gameserver: CSS surf Age: 20 Country of origin: Nederland (NH) Link to SteamCommunity profile *:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984572955/ Link to Xfire profile **:- Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I love meat, girls, money and drinks. (About my self.) - Allot online, on the server.
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