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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Toaster

  1. I beat the final dungeon/personal story about a week ago. Time to 100% the map.
  2. I don't know about you guys... But this is how we handle these kind of problems in America: Well, at least that's how we handled them 160 years ago.
  3. Happy Birthday Ywa! Also, I've always wondered, how do you pronounce your username?
  4. Just got my beta key. Didn't know this even existed. Guess I've been living under a rock for the past few months.
  5. Been using this one for a while:
  6. What, so that the rare occasion that it actually happens, you can go get a bunch of free kills? Ravebreak is a break from the fire, and a truce between the humans and zombies so that they can all join together in a happy, enjoyable rave. If you can disable the headbanging, it kinda defeats the purpose. It rarely happens, just deal with it for the 20 seconds.
  8. I know I'll regret this later. For those of you who weren't on IRC when I posted this:
  9. I'm pretty sure I summed it all up in the last sentence of my post. Not much more I can say. You seem to disagree with two things. One being the times, which I agree, aren't the best since I just put in numbers based on my own opinion without thinking too hard about it. The Other thing is the firepower issue, which I again answered. There isn't supposed to be much firepower on this class, so in my opinion, it isn't a problem. I like feedback, but your previous post really didn't tell me much other than "you didn't answer anything." If you would like to provide feedback, put in your own numbers. How do you think the class should be made? I doubt this class will even get past design phase. I'm not even counting on it, I'm just brainstorming. None of this stuff is supposed to sound remotely finished.
  10. *facepalm* Really? Actually, it MAAAAAY be possible. At first I read that as 5 seconds.
  11. The Goal isn't to be able to escape zombies using teleport. Teleporting would be used out of combat, and would help with being able to escape camping spots without going out the main door. For example, on cbble, you could teleport through the window instead of going down the ladder and being killed instantly. The teleport is supposed to have a long targeting time for this very reason, so you cant instantly teleport back to base after you grab all the babies. In other words, once you're out of the base, good luck getting back in. Note that this class isn't supposed to have much firepower, as its focus is to kill babies and drive back the infected. Give it any more firepower and you have another version of support. And it indeed already has an MP5. Yeah, the name sucks. I couldn't think of anything better. My goal with the stats is to make it so it can take less damage in speed mode. Its designed to be a hit and run class. Kill the babies, run away, repeat. Also, remember, as I stated earlier: I'm just brainstorming ideas for VMR, as hes the one actually designing the class. Don't go too hard on me for the balance, I'm just giving general numbers on what I think they should be. I should have probably just changed all of the numbers in that post to x's.
  12. I have a couple of ideas for your new class, VMR, feel free to change these in any way. Recon: Knife: -Standard Issue Satchel Charge: - Left click to throw on the ground. Right click to detonate. - Same radius as C-4, only does 60 damage. - 3 from Large ammo box, 1 from small. - More than one satchel charge in range with one another will cause interference, causing them both to disarm. Hyperion Jump: - Hold right click to lock position. - After 6 seconds, you are teleported to that location. - Limited Range - If damage is taken, you are interrupted. Magnetohydrodynamic Emitter Interrupts Satanic Rituals - Locks on to target sacrificial baby. - Fires a beam, after 4 seconds, sacrificial baby is destroyed. - Limited Range - Leeches 20 suit for each baby killed. - Can be fired while moving. (Good for regaining energy in speed mode). MP5: Standard Issue Deagle: Standard Issue Bonus Abilities: While in any suit mode, 50% of damage taken is converted to suit damage. Base speed is 25% higher. Speed drains 25% less energy. OVERVIEW: This class is meant to be a mobile 'behind enemy lines' kind of class. The playstyle is to run around the map and kill groups of sacrificial babies in an attempt to push back the enemy forces. When in common human camping spots, Recon can teleport a short distance to a target location, in order to avoid leaving the main entrance and instantly being killed by zombies. It can also kill sacrificial babies easily from a range, while also leeching suit power. Just some ideas I had. Dunno if they're even right for Infected Wars, just wanted to share.
  13. I actually support this idea. It should scale by the amount of Special Forces players though, and have a 0% chance when there's less than 5.
  14. As strange as this sounds, Armorbug actually kept the game in balance. On the old server, I used to just regen between the shots, making it impossible for me to die unless the rocket bugged. You can just regen 20 armor and the rocket will only hit the suit. I haven't played a ton of IW on the new server due to midterms, which continue next week as well, so for all I know Necrossin might have completely nerfed that strategy and everything I just said means nothing.
  15. Armorbug got fixed?
  16. Satchel Charge: - Left click to throw on the ground. Right click to detonate. - Same radius as C-4, only does about 30-50 damage. - 3 from Large ammo box, 1 from small. - More than one satchel charge in range with one another will cause interference, causing them both to disarm.
  17. Actually, here are the stats: ARES SHRIKE: SWEP.Primary.Sound = Sound("weapons/m249/ares_shrike-2.wav") SWEP.Primary.Recoil = 3.2 SWEP.Primary.Unrecoil = 9 SWEP.Primary.Damage = 17 SWEP.Primary.NumShots = 1 SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = 100 SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.09 SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = SWEP.Primary.ClipSize * 3 SWEP.Primary.Automatic = true SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "ar2" SWEP.Primary.Cone = 0.05 SWEP.Primary.ConeMoving = 0.14 SWEP.Primary.ConeCrouching = 0.035 M16a4: SWEP.Primary.Sound = Sound("weapons/m16a4/m16a4-1.wav") SWEP.Primary.Recoil = 1.5 SWEP.Primary.Unrecoil = 11 SWEP.Primary.Damage = 19 SWEP.Primary.NumShots = 1 SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = 30 SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.09 SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = SWEP.Primary.ClipSize * 5 SWEP.Primary.Automatic = true SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "ar2" SWEP.Primary.Cone = 0.045 SWEP.Primary.ConeMoving = 0.1 SWEP.Primary.ConeCrouching = 0.024 M16a4 does 2 more damage, has less than half as much recoil, and is slightly more accurate. They both have the same rate of fire. Only bonus to Ares is the extra ammo.
  18. So basically, the ability to twoshot any human? Also, ares isn't OP. With it's high damage and rate of fire, allowing it to easily make swiss from zombies at a choke point, I really would say it is. Assault and Support are the main firepower for Special Forces. They're supposed to have the heavy weapons. I prefer Assault Master over Support. Higher accuracy, faster reload time, and a shotgun.
  19. So basically, the ability to twoshot any human? Also, ares isn't OP.
  20. Gameserver: Gmod Infected Wars Age: 16 Country of origin: United States Link to Steam Community profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/id/toastandroast/ Minecraft name **: Toaster815 Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Its been a while since we've all played Infected Wars. Soon after the old server closed I resigned my admin position. Now that the server is up again, I decided I may reapply for my spot back on the Admin team. I have plenty of experience as an admin, I know how the system works, the rules, etc. I am American, meaning I can cover the evening/night shifts while the European admins are sleeping. Im pretty active on IRC, with the exception of when I'm at school. On my old IW account I was very active, with over 800 hours and the Master of IW achievement, so I have a good feel of how the game is run and meant to be played. I know most of the old players, and I like to think I'm pretty well known throughout the community. Also, I cooperate well with my good friends VMR and Hundred, the other IW admins. With summer coming up in a few weeks I'll be very active throughout the day, but until then I have school and I'll unfortunately only be on during the evenings and weekends. Thanks for taking my application into consideration, - Toaster EDIT: Due to the current inactivity of the server, it seems I am not currently needed for this position. Feel free to close this application.
  21. I actually laughed when I watched that.
  22. Just a quick idea I had, dunno if its all that great. Stalker Overdrive: Weapons: Bloodrazor - Base stalker knife damage and attackspeed. Leeches about 20 health per hit and disorientates target similar to Crowbar of Death. This effect can only occur once on that target every 3-4 seconds. Also, the player can use right click to regenerate health out of combat. Regenerating in this way will disable movement and cloak. Sacrificial Baby - duh This class would be great in a one vs. one confrontation since the disorientation only affects the one person. Because of this it would be very situational, and almost useless when the humans are in groups. This would result in a more stealthy playstyle for the stalker, one who tracks down and focuses humans who are alone, instead of using the good ol' -run in and scream everyone's eardrums out- strategy. Don't know if this idea will go anywhere, just wanted to share.
  23. The Toaster is back in business.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hundred2


      Sup bro, welcome back.

      P.S =[]

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Welcome back, Toaster ;)

  24. Is this ZS or IW?
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