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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Toaster

  1. ^ That Also, believe me. There have been times I've wanted this. But this would ruin the whole point of greencoins. The point of greencoins is to donate to get them. If I am correct, the 1 kill = 1 GC was an alternative way of getting greencoins, but much, much slower. If people could trade them, nobody would donate.
  2. My sky city was burnt to the ground along with Hero's house. :<
  3. Some guy came in, removed all the water in a lake, and then replaced it with cobblestone and then started writing things in it like "HI". Then to top that off, he outlined it with torches. Things like this ruin the game. :<
  4. We should just say North is the direction of the Mr Green face.
  5. Whoever built it, built it farther out than Kathandrax.
  6. ....Dude... Are you joking? You are second best pyro what i have seen I already joined anyways. I'm backup Pyro for team one.
  7. I might join as a replacement or something. I'm pretty decent as Pyro (at least I think I am).
  8. Maybe try reinstalling Java? And are you trying to play in the browser or did you download the exe? Yeah, I used the exe and tried reintalling java. A lot of people seem to be getting this same problem. I'll just wait for them to release a patch that fixes it. In the mean time, it looks like I'm playing the web browser version.
  9. I just got the game. Can't play it though. I keep getting the error 'Could not create java virtual machine.' Any ideas?
  10. That's it I'm buying this.
  11. You didn't really need to make an entire topic about this. But here: Instead of me listing out every single IP... Click You can click 'ONLINE' and it will automatically join the server.
  12. Hundred, it has been nice working with you. You were always the "half-serious" admin. We'll miss you on the admin team and I hope to work with you again in the future. :]
  13. Left4green. Accursed Farms (Home to some of my favorite youtube series) Clavus Studios (Not much happens there, but I still look at it often) Garrysmod.org
  14. Yes, I am scared. O.o

  15. Here's my idea. Just took yours and changed it a bit: Hungry for more: Food items regenerate faster. (Scout and heavy) Scouts speedy recovery: The sandman regenerates faster. kthxbye
  16. The menu is messed up. There's no scroll on the achievements page and its really hard to pick loadouts. The class selection is black instead of white. Sorry couldn't take any pics. The built in screenshot taker doesn't work when there are menus open.
  17. Have fun. You really had me there for a min.
  18. I think the Lady Luck shop item might be bugged. I realize it's just a chance thing, so its either bugged, or everyones just really unlucky. It used to be like 95% of the time you would win on the dice rolls, but now I get killed or set on fire nearly every time I roll the dice.
  19. I recognized the music in the credits from Guild Wars.
  20. Sprint thing isn't so bad anymore. Once you get used to it, its actually better. Whats so bad about sprays not disappearing?
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