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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by FrenchDorian

  1. Yes , cowchucker needs to be admin , he often plays and doesn't do idiot things
  2. Yeah , it would be cool , but if we could drop ammo too , it would be more cool Sometimes , I waste all my ammo on a zombie to get kills , but then one guy shoots two or three bullets and kill the zombie I previously hurted a lot. So I lose all my ammo , and then I have nothing more.
  3. Please be united with others players when the humans win. Kill yourself (kill in console or bind a key) when human at the end of the round , when there is the statistics , to make the guy who hit you in last have a kill and make him win 3 GCs. Sorry for my bad english
  4. I failed Oh yeah a pr0n contest with ragdoll
  5. Vote for me I'm failing XD Go see my second picture she's better than the first
  6. Lol @ Hundred2 "How do I get new guns ?" XD So true
  7. Another from meh but I don't think it is in the good subject "Zombie apocalypse"
  8. I agree with Cow Flu and the others, moving props and hitting zombies with several melee weapons is really fun.
  9. First time I try a challenge here Poisons zombies stink.
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