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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lipton

  1. Agree, but actually no one cades nowadays, execept some pros make a cade, a mingebag train follows them and !Oops! the whole human team is in a cade Yea alot more minges started playing engineer since the lvling enabled and the planks came and i agree with the useless crates too, i see the crates spawning, then im like "what ever, just abit ammo, dont care" And i hate those mingebags who cade a everyfucking doorway and everysingle spot to cade Uh and i hate that timer when you plant C4, useless, it makes engineer suck. We cant even do a Jihad properly. The mines were fine
  2. Well if its a single good song maybe from Youtube, But usually i get the whole album form PirateBay
  3. Nah no Cading is cool now, its like a bit harder to make cade so total noobs cant make good cades
  4. Its when you crouch in to a window, someone can push you
  5. there allready is a upgrade called ammunition man and it gives more ammo from supplies
  6. no less damage to magnum, if you dont get it with the "mysterius stranger" it sucks
  7. Damien, no Have you ever tried to fight like 3 normal headcrabs, They are fucking OP, hard to hit, high damage. they kill you pretty fast if you got like magnum
  8. Nah i think the nails are balanced now
  9. Like
  10. Yea some noobs trying to lvl support and they nail everything they see. Same with enginneer, they cade every single doorway full so that we cant even see out!
  11. Paris hilton or britney spears
  12. Me whinor?

    hmm i think its someone else (vink,vink)

  13. Yea that would be better than removing the shottys from comeback
  14. It might be good, but yea theres way too many pokemons maybe The first pokemon was awesome BUt maybe i will buy
  15. Didnt but 6/10
  16. 50 chance% are you seriuos? Well it might be better, i hate these "wannabe" engis who cade every single door way. But maybe make it so that it increases when higher level
  17. 6/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpG5YuyNrqM
  18. NO shotguns were fine when you redeemed Not so many times when redeemers actually win so it aint so OP
  19. HmmHmm Seems good But isnt there allready a update called "adrenaline" which does more speed when you near death?
  20. 5/10
  21. *FUCKING DOUBLEPOST* Fuck this shit NECRO WTF? really WTF!??!?!?! We dont get shotguns anymore when we redeem? what the fuck IS THIS SHIT, I MEAN REALLY WTF IS THIS SHIT. I dont want to redeem with a FUCKING PULSE SMG. seriosly, fuck this shit. Bring shotguns back to comeback, whats the sense of redeeming if you get a shitty weapon?!??! NOTHING Someone told that this is about nerfing suiciders? If i try to survive, then i die, i get with a hard work 6 kills and then i redeem, I GET A FUCKING SHIT WEAPON Get something else for suiders, this is just total bullshit!
  22. Lawl the weapons are big Pufulet your upgrade ideas are abit OP maybe and to Snake dude, those might just be some bugs which appear sometimes
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