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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lipton

  1. Plz stop making these whine topics Zs is fine, Period
  2. Agree with the HP
  3. Noes, i hate dark maps. xD
  4. Weo, its not just couple days work to lvl up to higher lvls, you need to work on it And yeah if you think lvl 3 engi is pain in the ass, lvl 4 is more. You need 300K mine damage more from lvl 3s 200, so you need in total 500K. That is going to take for ever
  5. Miss those days ;(
  6. Lawl, Indeed thats ture
  7. I personally think its Engineer, its fun to play and not Overpowered or Underpowered Maybe medic is easiest to play if you need to know that
  8. yea just check !levelstats, it will be fine
  9. Yea i get a thought, with the miliseconds(whatever) that time is going much faster than it goes normally But yea the new HUD is good, execp it should say your Hp as numbers too
  10. MY PRECIOUS MINES ARE GONE, I CANT JIHAD ANYMORE xD no But now we can make major explosions putting 4 mines to same spot
  11. its not about the jihad, the mine placing time is too long
  12. Lol thats just shit, you just want fun. Balance is important. xD And engineer is fuuked up because of the mines. A bit less time to plant it would be good, maybe 1.5 sec or dont know how much is it now?
  13. yea that sounds pretty good
  14. i think you should have abiltity to choose which HUD you use @Mogadon Plz stop the nerdrage, you wont get anything through with it
  15. Russiaa
  16. Lol? 6/10
  17. Suiciders are allready pretyy nerfed Maybe if you suicide you spawn when first zombie spawns And i hate when Last man stand gives me a M3 as support, Im in a cade 30 zombies hitting it, trying to shoot em with a M3, thats impossible. I think support should get SAW from Last Man Stand or something better than M3
  18. Lipton

    1 to a 1000

  19. Lipton

    Botervloot is old

    Happy Bday dude xD
  20. eh? Turret would be to engineer not to support...
  21. Type !hclass berserker"
  22. Lipton

    1 to a 1000

    over 9000 cmon guys this topic sucks
  23. Ye something wrong with it?, Its fun no need to remove it, and there is only 4 mines so we cant even do it many times a row
  24. Lipton

    1 to a 1000

    lol 401
  25. Wow awesome buildings! Do you guys have a life?
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