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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Phil

  • Birthday 03/26/1994

Contact Methods

  • Steam

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  • Location
    Somerset, UK

Phil's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Finally found a background that fit my desktop.
  2. I see you on the IW server a lot and you have never caused any trouble or started raging. Good luck with the app!
  3. Soldier. Demoman is powerful enough as he is.
  4. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=84048 http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=29218 I wouldn't know if these would work or not in the server but I'll go ahead and post a couple that caught my attention.
  5. Phil

    New admins

    I'm glad you read the topic before posting.
  6. Justice - Genesis
  7. Phil

    New admins

    What happened to Linkii?
  8. Good luck Clav.
  9. Are you just going to make a load of first topics?
  10. Left 4 Dead 2. May get Saw the game on steam though.
  11. Just go find another one, I'm sure there are enough outside.
  12. The worst torture would be quite fun.
  13. startled the witch.

  14. Phil


    Saw that a month ago, it was a very funny film, probably one of my all time faves seeing as it contains a load of stuff that I love in films.
  15. Phil

    Steam accounts?

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