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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by TechnoNegro

  1. how you guys can play this game? D: my k/d ratio is like 0,33 and i have "minor" difficaulties flying jets or helis, i think i should finish the campain before playing the multi. Too bad i didint play cod7 pretty much at all (cause i sucked at it si bad), the shooting and moving is pretty much the same in bf3 and cod7 (and probably in cod8 too). Didint have any problems playing cod6 or/and 7, or bc2

  2. Install DirectX 10 or 11, Raptor.

    and download the right AMD's


    this post is too short, ill post some useless shit too.

    i installed DirectX 11 and AMDs, but my bf3 is still installing, cause i got it today and i just installed windows 7 (had linux, and it does not work too well on Linux or XP)

    i had a problem that when i started it it stopped responding. Like a Windows (Like a Boss)

    i hope i can still play it today, its 43% installed now, started something like half an hour ago.

  3. bf3 is crap on consoles, cod is crap on pc (i have cod7 on pc), they upgraded the graphigs(aka. Bugged em so it wont work), added that shitty Dive to prone thingy and modded the players and weapons skins. But i bet there isint anything new for cod8. And for bf, they have added all kind of stuff, not just add new/old weapons

  4. Well fuck that, i want to play just the day it releases, not to wait 3 days it to come to europe and then wait half a week to slow post to delivery me tha game, and then wait the hardest 15 minutes to install it from the disc.

    Torrentz.eu , here i come!

  5. you showing up in the minimap isint rly a problem, cause u wont show up if nobody sees you, or they do, but you are too far away.

    so if one guy sees you and you take him out or take cover, you'll dissappear from the minimap.



    Just like in counter strike.

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