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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Caper234

  1. You know you play too much modern warfare 2 when you start shouting "TANGO SUCKA" You know you play too much L4D 2 when you think you can chug down a bottle of painkillers and be fine.. (Even one painkiller brings me down)
  2. You played to much Prototype, When you think every whiteboy with a hoody is Alex Mercer..
  3. Good luck, Mate.
  4. I think all our admins/Dev's are great, THEY DO HAVE LIVES YA KNOW!
  6. Bitching about getting kicked? PFFFFFT Man up..
  7. People, I mean you lost your stats, But you got to deal with fate..*Shrugs* I'm just tripping.
  8. Username: Billy Mays Server: Garry's mod ZS Time:1:20 05/01/10 Reason: ssist/or not from Player [27][boB] [Most Horny Player] Billy Mays: sorry villa [The Professional] Skate: every class is faster as a zombie [Most Horny Player] Billy Mays: too many fucking pussy noobs... [i <3 medics] villadelia: sigh... [The Professional] Skate: Than a zombie*. [05/01/11][13:15:46] [sPAWN] Player [22][dĂșnadan.bzh] spawned. [Lithographer] BoB: still no gun Hawkins Jamie: i suppose :\ Pie-Chart killed {UMBRA} Shotgun Master using weapon_zs_glock3 [05/01/11][13:15:56] [DEATH] Player [2][{UMBRA} Shotgun Master] died killed To me, Billy is just a good for nothing person who just..Cares about himself and disregards his team-mates.. (The reason why I can't provide a screenshot is due to my shitty Windows Seven..
  9. ARG wiki? Fill me in would ya?
  10. To me, A zombine suicide skill is useless, I got to the point where I can use it, Activated it and ran up to someone, Exploded but didn't hurt them..
  11. I'm thankful for everyone's support, Hope to play with you folks.
  12. As I remark, I'm currently new to it and what not. Trying to keep up with life, Sorry.
  13. Gameserver: ZS-Garry's mod Age: 16 Country of origin: United states. Link to SteamCommunity profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Caper234 Link to Xfire profile **: N/A Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: In the past, I have worked with Half life two Role-Play's, Joining as a simple new player to becoming part of the administrator team. I worked for communities (May be unknown to you folks, Such as slidefuse and Shameless innovations. I am very careful with the judgement I make, If I got a problem that I can't seem to solve, I would discuss it with the administrators of the server/ Heads of the community. I may of joined the community so little ago, But I pack much knowledge and past experiences, Please do not take my sudden appearance to find me 'Newbish' of any sort.
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